Chapter 9:Callback Crisis

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Ash-Well...I don't know.

BP- It'll be $130.00 per episode and with this show we'll have at least 3 seasons.

Ash- I have to do it with Kenzie?

BP- Yes.

Ash- Um... Deal.

BP- Okay! You will start on Monday and you can bring one person to set on the first day. Kenzie's number is ###-####. Text her at some-point and ask her to hang out before Monday.

Ash- Okay..Thank you.

BP-You're welcome and it'll be a pleasure working with you.

Ash- You too.

I hang up the phone and sit on the bed. Annie's going to be heartbroken. She really wanted this gig and it didn't work out. It happens to all of us though. I have to break it to her. If she doesn't act we can always get her to start singing like I did. I go to Annie's room and open her door.

Ash- Hey Anns.

Anns- Hey Ash, what's up?

Ash- I got a phone call from Brat.

Anns- Did I get the part?! Wait, why would they call you?

Ash- Well they asked me to be the lead in that show that you auditioned for. They told me they chose you for the runner up.

Anns- Oh. Well did you accept it? It'll be a good opportunity for you.

Ash- I did accept and I tried to persuade them to choose you, but they said Kenzie would be a better fit for that role.

Anns- Wait, Kenzie who?

Ash- Kenzie Ziegler, why?

Anns- That backstabbing bitch

Ash- Woah! What happened with Kenzie?

Anns- When I was in middle school Kenzie and I were best friends. Her and I had the perfect friend group. We were always the theater nerds. We tried out for the school musical and she got the Baker's Wife and I got Little Red, since we were doing Into the Woods. That was a bigger role than I had and started bullying me and the other people in the cast. Then she got really popular and stopped being my friend and was only friends with the bullies of the school. She was basically the Heather Chandler of the school, which was ironic because she was cast as Heather in the next musical and- back to the point. She moved to LA and I never heard of her again. Until now.

Ash- Anns, I'm so sorry.

I kissed her head and hugged her. She looked at me with her puppy dog eyes and it made me melt. I kissed her and I pulled away, but she pulled me back in. It turned into a make-out session and we made-out for 10 minutes.

Ash- Do you want to go to dinner tonight?

Anns- Like a date?

Ash- Yeah, like a date.

Anns- Of course.

I kissed her again and made reservation to the fanciest restaurant in LA.

Ash- Just dress fancy.

Anns- Got it.

I smiled at her and went back into my room. Then I planned out what I was going to wear for dinner. 

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