Chapter 13: The Music Video

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Asher's POV

Today is the day we start shooting the music video. I wake up with Annie next to me. Just to get you up to speed Annie's mom filed for divorce, her dad moved to Texas with the girl he had an affair with, her mom decided to stay here and has been looking for apartments for 3 days now, and, surprisingly, Hayley and Avi started dating at somepoint. I shake Annie up and we both start getting ready.

Ash- Ready?

Anns- Yep

We both get into the backseats of the car and my mom and Annie's mom sit in the front. Annie and I hold hands the whole way there. 

*Time Skip*

It took about an hour and a half to get there and we immediately go into hair and makeup. That took about 45 each. We put on our outfits and do mine and Annie's shots first. 

*Time Skip because I'm lazy*

It's the last shot with both Annie and I, so we have to kiss. The director yells cut, so we both lean in to kiss. Our lips touched and it felt like your first kiss all over again. I could feel all the sparks between us. I think the director yelled cut twice, but we pulled away at the third one.

D- Thank god y'all pulled away I thought you went deaf, but that's a wrap for Annie!

Everyone cheered and they told her to go take off the wardrobe and back into regular clothes. As she was walking away she kissed me on the cheek.

*Time Skip*

I finally wrapped and headed back home. I started watching Friends with Annie and Hayley. We finished the 3rd season. 

Ash- Do you want to go swimming?

Anns- Sure let me go change.

Ash- Can you grab my swim trunks and throw them over here? I can change in the downstairs bathroom.

Anns- Okay.

About a minute later she throws me my swim trunks and change in the bathroom. After I change I hear a ding from my phone. I check and it's from Kenzie. If y'all forgot I've been filming a show with Brat called Chicken Girls with Kenzie Ziegler.


hey want to go get ice cream today?


1 I'm busy today and 2 like a date?


yes like a date silly


um..Annie's my girlfriend.


then forget about her..she's a bitch and doesn't deserve a celebrity like you.


I'm sorry what did you call Annie?


a bitch..bc that's what she is.


she isn't a bitch she's wayyy better than you can possibly be.

you know how i know that?

bc your're being a petty bitch who's jealous of everyone.


you know what asher fuck you


thank you kenzie that's the best thing you've said to me all day


i'm way better than her tho

*message cannot be sent because this contact has blocked you.*

Ugh. Kenzie's a bitch. I come out of the bathroom and go to the pool and Annie's already in there. God, she looks beautiful. I jump in and splash her and she splashes me back. I kiss her again and pull her waist towards me. She starts playing with my hair and I kiss her neck. I pick her up and make out with her. She wraps her legs around me and slams me against the pool wall. Hayley walks outside in the middle of everything.

H- Okay lovebirds dinner's ready.

We go inside and eat dinner and it's like 9pm. Annie and I go upstairs and watch Netflix. She starts making out with me and takes my shirt off of me and I do the same with her. Y'all could guess what happened next because I'm not going into detail. We both fall asleep next to each other. I can't believe I lost my v-card to Annie Leblanc.


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