Chapter 5: The Divorce

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Annie's POV

I woke up with the same pounding headache like from the last time I had this dream. My family comes into the room and say that after the music video filming and we come back to Maryland that they are going to file for divorce. That absolutely broke my heart. We always seemed so happy, and my parents never fought. It's their choice, but I can't help but run. I got out of bed and ran to my best friend's house. I knocked on the door and thank god Katie answered.  I can tell Katie everything and she never judged. I'm so happy to have her. I was balling my eyes out when she answered.

K- Annie! What's wrong?

I couldn't say anything, so i just hugged her. She took me to her room and locked the door.

K- Anns? What happened?

Anns- I'll start from the beginning...

I tell her everything from how I met Asher to the break ups to the music video. She doesn't really know who Asher Angel was so I had to show her some pictures, but she still didn't know. Then I started on the divorce, she was as surprised as I was. I cried into her arms for 10 minutes. She let me borrow some of her clothes, since I was still in my pajamas. We went to the mall and got ice cream. She dropped me off back home and I went straight to my room. I didn't want to see my family at the moment.

Asher wants to facetime and I try to not look like I've been crying all day. I get myself together and facetime him.

Anns- Hey Ash

Ash- Hey Anns, what's up?

Anns- Nothing, just excited.

Ash- Then tell me why your eyes are puffy

Anns- I woke up this morning everyone came into my room and m-my p-parents told me and Hayley that they are filing for d-d-divorce after the music video. God I wish I could just stay there with you.

Ash- Anns I'm so sorry. Maybe you could stay a little longer. My parents would have to talk to your parents, but if your parents and my parents chip in we could get you an apartment over here.

Anns- No that's impossible, my parents went broke before Hayley's birthday last year...which is probably why they're getting a divorce now that I think about it.

Ash- Well we have a spare bedroom, maybe you could use it. Plus, you told me you want to get into singing and acting. LA is the best place to do it.

Anns- True. Well I'll ask and get your parents to ask, but I got to go pack. Bye!

Ash- Bye!

I hang up with Asher and start packing then go to sleep. Then I get woken up by a bunch of notifications on my phone, all from Instagram. I turn off my ringer and go back to sleep.

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