Chapter 6: LA

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Asher's POV

I posted a picture talking about the new music video tagging Annie it. 

ashangel:new music video coming soon with annieleblanc

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ashangel:new music video coming soon with annieleblanc

ash_angel_luv: wait who's Annie?

asherangelismystan: um...never heard of her...

jackgrazer: is annie who I think she is?
ashangel: maybe...

I told Jack, my best friend, about Annie. He thought she sounded amazing and he really wants to meet her. I go and meet up with Jack at the mall and we talk about concepts for the music video.

J- Annie's going to be in the music video? When is she flying out?

Ash- In about a week now. I'm so happy I can finally meet her face to face. I want to ask her to-

J- Be your girlfriend on the second week there when you take her out to dinner. I know. Why do you have it so planned out by the way?

Ash- Because I want it to be perfect.

Jack and I spend another four hours hanging out. Then I go home and fall asleep.

*Time Skip*

Annie's POV

I talked to Asher's parents and they said that I can stay with them as long as I have an acting gig or start singing. They also said that they would get Asher's manager to be my manager too. Today I'm flying out a few days early to surprise Asher at his house. His parents told him that they had to go get groceries, but they're going to get me from the airport. I'm at the airport waiting for my plane to be called and Asher texting me wanting to facetime. I told him I can't for a few hours because we are having a family day. My plane is called and I sit next to Hayley and my dad.

*Time Skip*

We finally got to LA and I go to baggage claim. I see Asher's mom and dad and hug them. I say bye to my family because they're staying in a hotel a couple miles from Asher's house. We put all my stuff into the car and drive to Asher's house.

AshM- So how did you and Asher meet.

Anns- Well... I was driving home after picking my little sister up from school and this random number texted me. When I got home I responded and we started texting because we were both bored. We texted until 4am Maryland time and have been talking ever since. That was about 3 months ago.

AshM- That's sweet.

His mom, dad and I chat until we get there. They tell me to wait outside to make sure he's in his room. They tell me to call him with his door open. I call him while I walk up the stairs.

Anns- Hey Ash what're you doing?

Ash- Nothing, just laying on my bed.

I finally reach his room.

Anns- I can see that.

Ash- Not creepy at all.

Anns- Look at your door.

After I say that I hang up on him and he looks straight at me. He runs up to me and picks me up and spins around.

Ash- How did you get here?

Anns- Your parents picked me up at the airport.

Ash- I'm so happy!

He picks me up again and kisses me. I couldn't help but kiss back.


Ash- I'm sorry I-

Anns- No. I liked it.

I kiss him on the cheek and sit on his desk chair. 

Anns- Are you going to show me around or what?


Anns- Okay! Let's go!

He gives me a tour around his house and at the end we go back to his room. We both post pictures of each other when we were walking around the house.

annieleblanc:finally met this cutie🥰ashangelashangel:woah someone called me cUtE😎↪annieleblanc:wOaH😎katie:um ship?ash_angel_luv:my shipp

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annieleblanc:finally met this cutie🥰ashangel
ashangel:woah someone called me cUtE😎
katie:um ship?
ash_angel_luv:my shipp

annieleblanc:finally met this cutie🥰ashangelashangel:woah someone called me cUtE😎↪annieleblanc:wOaH😎katie:um ship?ash_angel_luv:my shipp

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ashangel:my surprise♡annieleblanc
jackgrazer:okay..when did this happen?

After we posted everything we both fell asleep on his bed. He put his arm around me and scooted closer to him.

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