Chapter 11: The Premiere

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Annie's POV

We got to the 'Shazam!' premiere in the limo and Asher opens the door. I immediately see tons of flashes and reporters yelling "Asher! Asher!" and it's all blinding me. I can't believe Asher is so used to this. Asher takes my hand and takes me to the red carpet. Then he starts whispering a bunch of stuff to me and I can't hear him.

Anns-What are you saying?

Ash- Just follow my lead.

Anns- Okay?

He tells me to just start posing for cameras. All of a sudden they tell us to kiss and I'm down. I turn to look Asher in the eyes and lean in to kiss him. What looks like Jack Grazer turns around and just stares at us. Those were our final pictures, so Jack drags us off the carpet.

Ja-Y'all are actually dating?

Ash- Yeah. Have you seen our Instagrams or y'know the pictures?

Ja- I thought it was just a big publicity stunt for the music video.

Anns- Why would we do that?

Ja- I don't know. I never thought Asher would actually land a girl.

Anns- What do you mean? He had Peyton.

Ash- Well... That was all a publicity stunt for Andi Mack. They thought if we "dated" we would have more views for Andi Mack.

Anns- Wait. I'm your first actual girlfriend?

Ash- Yeah.

Ja- Well okay, but I don't think we've really met yet I'm Jack.

Anns- I'm Julianna, but everyone calls me Annie.

Jack- Asher has talked about you a lot for like 3 months now.

Anns- We met 3 months ago.

Ash- Yeah I've talked about you a lot.

Anns- Awe that's sweet.

Ja- Okay love birds. Annie can I talk to Asher privately real quick?

Anns- Yeah! I'll just go ahead to the seats.

Ash- Okay see you then.

Then I head over to the seats and sit down. I wonder what they're talking about?

Asher's POV

Ash- What's up?

Ja- You didn't tell me how beautiful she was. Like damn.

Ash- She's more than beautiful, but you better not hit on her. I know you've hit on basically every girl that I like and they always choose you.

Ja- Hey, I'm sorry about that. Annie's all yours, unless you do something to me. You better watch out.

Ash- Fine.

I walk over to the seats and see Annie. I sit next to her and kiss her cheek.

Anns- Hey Ash. What was that about?

Ash- Nothing, just Jack asking me about the movie.

Anns- Okay..

I knew she was suspicious. Before the movie I start scrolling through Instagram and see that Kenzie commented on Annie's post.

Ash- Hey Anns? Why did Kenzie comment on your post? I thought you hated her.

Anns- I do. It's just a stunt. The people that follow her know that me and her used to be friends and she doesnt want anyone suspicious of her me and her not being friends anymore.

Ash- Oh okay. That's really weird.

After I say that the movie starts.

*Time Skip*

The movie was awesome. Annie and I walk out and back into the limo.

Anns- Ash I'm so proud of you.

She kisses me and I kiss back. I pull her closer and we keep kissing. The driver tells us that we are back at the house and we walk in. It looks like Annie's parents are in here.

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