Chapter 14: Do You Trust Me?

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Annie's POV

I lost my v-card to Asher Angel last night. A sentence I thought I would ever say. I hear a knock at the door and get dressed. I walk downstairs and open the door and see a face I don't want to see. Kenzie walks through the door and onto the couch.

Anns- What the hell do you want Kenzie?

K- To see Asher, who else?

Anns- He's my boyfriend you know that, right?

K- Yeah, but he'll forget about you in no time.

Anns- Here's the thing he would never fall for a bi-

I was interrupted by Asher coming down the stairs.

Ash- Anns what's wron- Kenzie what are you doing here? 

K- To see you obviously.

Kenzie gets up to walk over to Asher, but I push her back onto the couch.

Anns- Get out.

K- Not until I kiss Asher.

Ash- Let her I just want to get her out of my house.

Anns- Are you sure?

Ash- Do you trust me?

Anns- Of course I do it's just- nevermind go ahead.

Ash- I won't if you don't want me to. 

Anns- Just do it to get her out.

Ash- Okay..

Kenzie gets up and kisses Asher and I feel my heart break a little. Kenzie has done so much shit to me like this and it all gathers in my head. I pull Kenzie off of Asher and push out of the house.

Anns- Ding dong the bitch is gone.

Ash- Now I can do this.

Asher pulls me in and kisses me. We don't pull away for another minute or so.

Ash- I have a surprise for you.

Anns- Is there an anniversary I forgot about or something?

Ash- No I just thought you would want a piece of Maryland with you. 

Anns- What?

I hear a ding from Asher's phone and it looks like someone dmed him.

Ash- They're here. Go outside.

Anns- Okay..

We went outside and saw Katie, Brennan, and Ryan. I ran up and hugged Katie first, then Brennan, then Ryan. 

Anns- I missed you so much!

Ka- I missed you more!

Anns- How long are y'all staying?

Ka- 1 week.

Anns- Ahhh!

Katie and I ran inside with the boys following behind us.

Anns- We're going to my room now, bye!

I grab Katie's hand and drag her up the stairs. We go into my room and lock the door.

Ka- Well fill me on everything.

I tell her everything since I got to LA. She is so happy for me, this is why I trust her more than anyone. About an hour later I hear a knock on the door. I open it and it's Brennan. He tells Katie that they have to leave. Katie and I hug and her and her family leave the house. Asher comes into my room and we watch Netflix. It's not even noon yet so he gets the idea to go get ice cream. We get into the car and get ice cream. I may or may not have put some ice cream on Ash's nose.

Ash- Hey!

Anns- Oops..

I post a picture of our date.

annieleblanc:ice cream date <3tagged ashangelkatie:can you bring me back some mint chocolate?↪annieleblanc:maybeashangel:I love youuu↪annieleblanc:I love you too<33kenzie:y'all are cute↪annieleblanc:thanks

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annieleblanc:ice cream date <3
tagged ashangel
katie:can you bring me back some mint chocolate?
ashangel:I love youuu
annieleblanc:I love you too<33
kenzie:y'all are cute

We head back home and Asher's mom is making dinner. We decide to go swimming until dinner is ready. About 2.30 hours later London comes out and tells us to eat dinner. After dinner both Asher and I go to sleep. I have the dream again with the girl.

Asher's POV

After dinner Annie and I go to sleep and I have the dream again with the boy.

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