Chapter 16: Our Story

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Annie's POV

I just had Aubrie and she's beautiful. We had a complication because her umbilical cord was in a knot, so the doctors were surprised she was alive. She weighed 7lbs and 8oz. 

Ash- Aubrie Angel

Anns- Aubrie Angel.

Asher kisses me and Aubrie on the forehead.

Ash- One queen and one princess.

Anns- And one king.

*Time Skip*

We are finally able to bring our little lamb home. She thankfully passed all the tests. We got home and our friends and families were there waiting for her arrival. Hayley was the first one to hold her then the rest of my family, then Asher's family, then our friends.

H- She has your green eyes, Asher.

Ash- I guess she does.

*Time Skip*

I grab the vlog camera and vlog Aubrie.

*To the camera*

Anns- Our little lamb is finally here. She has Asher's eyes for sure and I'm jealous. We are doing the "Our Story" video a little later. I'll give y'all to Asher.

I hand the camera to Asher and he updates the camera for the week.

Ash- Now finally, the question of the week. Umm...

Anns- How about if you had a baby what would you name him or her?

Ash- I love it. Y'all will have to wait for us to say the names. Bye!

Anns- Bye!

Asher turns off the camera and heads to bed and I do the same.

*The next morning*

I wake up to Aubrie crying. I immediately change her diaper and feed her. She falls back asleep and I start making breakfast. Asher walks down the stairs while I'm making pancakes and hugs me from behind. I kiss him and continue to make pancakes. 5 minutes later the pancakes are done and I give some to Asher. 

Anns- How are they?

Ash- Amazing.

*Time skip*

I start getting ready for the day and Asher comes into the room.

Ash- I have a surprise for you today. I've already called my parents to babysit.

Anns- Okay.. What do I wear.

Ash- Something fancy.

I change into a blue fancy dress and go downstairs. Asher is wearing a suit and stares at me like he did when we first met.

Ash- You look perfect.

Anns- You look handsome.

We go outside and there's a limo. We get in the limo and Asher kisses me. It reminds me of our first date. We get to the restaurant and it's the same restaurant as our first date.

Anns- didn't.

Ash- Oh, but I did.

We go inside and looks the same as 4 years ago. We get in a seat and order our food.

Anns- I love you.

Ash- I love you more.

We eat for a little, then when we're done we just talk. The Asher does something.

Ash- We met by chance and that was the best chance that ever happened to me. It barely took me any time to tell that I loved you, even when we were 3,000 miles away. I told you I loved you 4 years ago and my love for you increases everyday. What I'm saying is...

Asher then gets down on one knee.

Ash- Julianna Grace Leblanc, will you marry me?

Anns- Yes!

Asher puts the ring on my finger and kisses me, with tears streaming down my face. Asher gets the check and we go back home. We show Asher's family and send pictures to everyone else. We go to be and pass out.

*Time skip*

I change and feed Aubrie and start getting ready. Asher and I decided to film the video today, so I grab the camera and set it up downstairs. I wake up Asher and he starts getting ready and I push record.

*To the camera*

Anns- Hey everyone!

Ash- We are going to share our story today and we hope y'all enjoy.

Anns- This is going to be a long story.

Ash- We recommend you go get snacks now.

Anns- Well...It all started 4 years ago when we lived 3,000 miles apart.

THE END! I hope y'all enjoyed this story! I've wrote many fanfics before this one and I never went anywhere with them, this is my first one that did. I've already wrote and published the first chapter to "One Party Can Change Everything" I hope y'all enjoy that one as much as this one.

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