Chapter 15: 4 Years Later

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Author's POV

The day after the ice cream date Annie and Asher figured out what the dreams meant. They both knew one was going to come true, the just didn't know which. Asher had the dream with the boy, James Angel, while Annie had the dream about the girl, Aubrie Angel. Asher woke up with a headache, unlike Annie. Every time they had a dream about James they woke up with a headache, while dreaming about Aubrie they didn't. Both Annie and Asher assumed the dreams with James were wrong because they woke up with a headache each time. Today they are going to get an ultrasound to see if their theory was correct.

Annie's POV

I've been pregnant for about 6 months now. Asher and I were scared to see the gender any earlier than now. The dreams really got us. We knew the dreams were playing with us. We are guessing it's a girl after the whole headache situation. We both knew we were going to stay with the names from the dreams because we absolutely love them. We just got to the room and the doctor is scanning me right now.

Doc- I can already tell you guys are going to be happy parents of this little one. Why did you wait so long though?

Anns- It was a long story starting years back.

Doc- Okay.. Do you want it now or do you want me to write in a envelope?

Ash- Now.

Doc- You are having a... girl! Congratulations!

Asher and I looked at each other in unison and said "Aubrie." 

Doc- How long have you guys had that planned out?

Anns- Years.

The visit ended and we called our parents first, then our close friends. They all guessed it except Avi and Hayley. We decided to go and shop for nursery supplies. Asher and I moved out together about 2 years ago. We have 3 dogs name Piper, Winnie, and GG and have a basic mansion. His parents bought it for us when we both turned 18. We get to the shop and get pastel pink paint and all the essentials. We get back home and immediately start decorating. Ash and I started vlogging after we found out I was pregnant. I start vlogging Asher painting the room and give everyone an update on everything.

*to the camera*

Anns- Asher and I both decided we weren't going to make you guys wait for a big gender reveal. At the moment Asher is painting the nursery, so I'm going to show you the color of the room.

I walk up the stairs and show the camera the room.

A&A- We're having a girl!

Anns- We already have a name picked out, which we will tell you after the birth during our "Our Story" video. We have been waiting to share how we met for a while now, so we are going to tell you after the birth because the name has a big role in that story.

Ash- And it will be a long story so that would be the best option for us at the moment.

Anns- I will update you guys later bye!

I turn off the camera and help Asher paint the name 'Aubrie' on the wall in black paint.

*3 months later*

Asher and I decided to watch 'Friends' for like the thousandth time. 

Anns- Asher, I love you...

Ash- I love you too.

I kiss him and get up to use the bathroom and look in the mirror. While I'm looking in the mirror my water breaks. 

A&A- The dreams...

Ash- We need you to get to the hospital.

Anns- No shit Sherlock

Asher leads me out the the car and we rush to the hospital. We get a room as soon as we get there. Asher and I call our family and friends. It's about 2.30 hours later and they say I'm 8cm dilated. We wait another hour and they say I'm 10 cm. We'll finally get to meet Aubrie.

A/N: Y'all have to wait another day I'm sorry. Unless y'all beg me I'll post in later today;)

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