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If it weren't for the Led Zeppelin at full volume, the sound of tinkering could be heard through the workshop.

When someone pictures a workshop they may see a wooden bench or two, maybe a small desk as a workspace, some forgotten projects and tools scattered everywhere.

Needless to say they would not picture Tony Starks workshop.

His workshop covered over 50 yards, filled with expensive cars, high tech robots, machinery, and other technology beyond its time.

The 1932 Ford Flathead Roadster had become the latest subject in Tony Stark's newest project.

The billionaire loved to work on his cars, to redesign the engines and get the cars back up and running.

Being a 66 year old car had it's downfalls, one of them being that the engine had decided to crap out, leaving the 28 year old to fix the engine until his next party would begin.

It may have been midnight, and usually his old man would be yelling at him to turn the music down, but that didn't matter anymore, his old man was gone, he had been for a while and if anything, Tony was grateful for that.

He despised his old man with a passion and only showed up to the funeral because it had been for his mother as well.

The only one turning his music down now was the one and only Virginia "Pepper" Potts.

Tony spun around and stared at his assistant as the music stopped.

"Why can't you leave my music and I alone?" He complained to the strawberry blonde.

"Because you have work to do." Pepper is quick to tell him.

"It's midnight," Tony turns back to his car, turning up the music as he says "no."

The Immigrant Song blares through the garage once again and Pepper sighs.

She walks over and turns the music off. "Yes." She pushes.

"You hired me to organize your life."

Tony rolls his eyes quickly, pushing his hand past her. "Organize it without me." He turns the music back up once again.

Pepper sighs, flipping through her clipboard before she takes a paper out and lays it infront of Tony.

Tony stares from the paper, to her, then back to the paper.

"What is this?" He asks after finally turning the music down.

"They want you to take over your fathers company, permanently." She places a pen on top of the paper.

Tony stares back at her with disbelief. "Say what now?"

Pepper repeats herself, "They want you to take Obidah's place and run Stark Industries individually and not with him."

Tony waves his hand to dismiss the statement. He picks up the pen, signing his name on the line and sliding it back towards Pepper who stares at him in confusion, "That's it? You don't want to know any details, you're going to sign it just like that?"

Tony nods his head saying "Yep, just like that."

Pepper picks up the pen and paper, saying "Okay." before  packing up the supplies and walking towards the door.

As she reaches the glass door The Immigrant Song is being put at full volume once more. Pepper opens the door and walks through, the song is drowned out the moment the door closes behind her.

When she walks upstairs everything seems to slow down.

Her jaw drops at the sight infront of her, her clipboard slowly falls to the ground the papers scattering around the floor.

"Hey, have you seen T-woah."

Colonel James "Rhodey" Rhodes now stops himself at the sight as well.

The billionaires best friend stops beside Pepper, "J.A.R.V.I.S., get Tony up here now."

Minutes pass before the famous billionaire comes upstairs, fuming at the interruption.

"Rhodey what the hell, could you not have just come dow..." Tony trails off when his eyes land on the sight infront of the trio.

Part of the large glass of Tony's Malibu home is broken in. Pieces of glass are shattered among the home, all over the floor and furniture.

Tony follows the shattered glass to the broken coffee table in the middle of the room. But it's not the broken coffee table or big hole in the ground that catches any of their attention, it's the ship-like object in the middle of the home that caused all the destruction.

Even Tony is at a loss for sarcastic comments and says nothing, he just looks to Rhodey, motioning his hands towards the object as to say 'What are you waiting for?'

Rhodey sighs, pulling a pistol from the back of his pants and aiming it towards the object as he nears it.

Both Pepper and Tony stay planted in their spots as Rhodey nears the object.

The object is oddly shaped, it seems to stretch for about 2 metres and reaches about half a metre high. It's enclosed entirely by a dark grey with red streaks running through it.

Rhodey isn't sure what to make of it, so he reaches out his hand cautiously and brushes it long the side.

Strange symbols are carved onto the top of the object.

Not knowing what any of it means, he runs his hand along those as well, but he retracts his hand immediately when the strange symbols light up.

He takes a few steps back towards the other two.

The object begins to move and shake, causing Rhodey to glance suspiciously at it.

Both Pepper and Tony remain behind Rhodey and far from the object that now seems to be opening up.

The symbols fade away and the top of the object seems to pop out and move out of place.

The parts of the object move to the side to reveal a hollow inside.

What Rhodey soon realizes is that it's not as hollow as they believe. He nears the object, slowly at first, then picking up his speed and he gets closer.

What stops him from moving is the small noises coming from the black hole. He cannot see it at first but once he gets closer the noises become more clear, and that's when the things making those noises becomes clear as well.

Rhodey pauses as he is unable to comprehend what his eyes are seeing.

"What?" Pepper asks.

When Rhodey doesn't respond she walks cautiously to his side and peers into the object. "oh my God." Is all she can let out.

This now causes Tony to ask "What?"

Rhodey's still silent, therefore Pepper tells him, "They're babies."

Tony scoffs, "All this commotion for a baby?"

Tony turns around to leave, but as he begins to walk towards the stairs Pepper shakes her head. "Tony, they're green."

two chapters in one night woo! What do you think so far?
There probably won't be another new chapter until at least tomorrow but i hope this was enough to keep you in suspense!
Anyways, enjoy the rest of your day/night and stay safe from Corona!

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