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"Obadiah's a bad guy."

"I know." Lydia continued to pace.

"He tried to kill dad in Afghanistan."

"I know."

Lucas gave a frustrated but anxious sigh, "How do you know all this?"

"Because I just hacked into his computer!" She says slightly louder than she means to.

The twins fall quiet, Lydia running a hand through her dark hair.

"What do we do?" She sighs. Lydia falls back into one of the chairs in the room.

Lucas stands, unsure of what to do either. What could two 9 year-olds do against a man as powerful as Obadiah?

"I-I don't know." He finally says.

He slumps into a chair beside Lydia.

"We can't just sit here and do nothing."

The two still remain silent.

"I mean," Lydia looks over to her brother, "we do have powers."

Lucas mirrors her smile. "Damn right we do."

Both twins stand up, determination glinting in their eyes.

"We merge on three." Lydia says, holding her hand out for her brother.

"One." Lucas lifts his hand as well.


"Three." Together their hands collide in a fury of green. Heat surrounding them but their bodies being unaffected by the searing green heat that crawls along their skin.

Their eyes glow brighter than their bodies and the further they move from each other the more dim those emerald eyes become.

Stay close. Lydia's voice echoes through Lucas' mind.

He gives her a nod of reassurance.

They begin to make their way towards the stairs, ready to face Obadiah and protect their father.

As they near the glass doors a thud sounds from just above them. The twins pause before realizing the noise came from the other side of the room; the elevator.

They share a look but don't move much closer.

Worry begins to seep into their minds.

What if they weren't strong enough? Sure they had awesome powers but they barley knew how to operate them and they were only 9.

What if they couldn't protect Tony like they had hoped?

There was no more time for doubting themselves as another thud sounded from the elevator.

The twins stood side-by-side with their eyes locked towards the door.

The elevator dings, singling it was opening before another thud sounds from just beyond the door.

The twins stand strong. Small, unstable balls of green energy shine from their hands and they shakily raise their arms to face the door, their eyes letting off a bit more of a glow than usual.

However, Obadiah was not the one to walk through the door. Instead, Tony stumbles through.

He's sickly pale, the bright light of his arc reactor diminished to a ripped hole in his shirt and blue veins popped out furiously against his bloodshot eyes. He leans against the wall, his eyes trained on something across the room and he seemed to be hardly breathing. The twins notice the sweat glistening on his face and the determination set in his eyes on whatever object they had landed on.

Double Trouble//T. StarkWhere stories live. Discover now