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That's what the little baby boy had done when Tony picked him up, and it was only a day after that his sister had done the same as well.

Tony had counted this as a blessing; the two babies could disguise themselves as humans and leave him sooner rather than later.

But soon, Tony found out he wasn't so lucky. The siblings, which they soon realized were twins, hadn't yet mastered the art of shapeshifting.

And therefore, Tony was stuck with them until said talent could be perfected.

He did try to avoid them as best he could, though today he wasn't doing a very good job.

He had just received his newest project, a 1967 Shelby Cobra, and he had finished fixing its engine within a day. The car could go 0-60mph in 4.5 seconds and he had managed to cut that time in half. He wanted to celebrate, and that called for a drink.

He was walking through the main floor where he kept his cabinet of alcohol. He reaches for a bottle of scotch when Pepper's voice rings through the room.

"Why don't we name them?"

Tony looks behind him, having forgotten about his scotch for a moment. He stares at Pepper who is sitting on the floor playing with the two twins.

"I don't care." He waves his hand in the air. He remembers his scotch and promptly turns back to the cabinet.

"Well," Pepper begins to explain. "I just figured that if they're staying here for a while that we should give them names."

Tony turns around, grabbing a glass and pouring himself a drink, "Why do you keep saying 'we'?" He sets the bottle down, "There's no 'we', I don't want any part of them."

Pepper frowns. "It won't kill you to at least name one of them."

Tony rolls his eyes, taking a drink and then sighing, "Fine, name the girl Lydia. There, are you happy?"

Pepper smiles at him and the pair falls silent.

Tony begins to pour himself another glass, "Let's name the boy Lucas." Pepper says.

Tony waves his hand in the air again, telling her he doesn't give two craps, "Sure, whatever you want." He remarks.

Pepper rolls her eyes but when she turns back to the children she's smiling again.

She dangles a small plush octopus above the two kids and they smile. "Lucas and Lydia, how do those names sound?" She coo's.

The twins laugh in approval and something in Tony feels odd as he watches them.

It's almost like it's something in his stomach, sending flips through his body buts it's something he's never felt before, or at least in a long time.

He finds himself wanting to go over and play with the kids but he shakes it off, telling himself not to be foolish.

But the feeling inside him still seems to think otherwise. He finds himself smiling as he watches the twins laugh over a stupid little octopus. Maybe he's yearning for something he's never had, never thought he even wanted. And through that odd feeling inside of him, Tony thinks that maybe, just maybe, having them around for a little while longer might not be such a bad thing after all.

so this was a pretty short chapter, sorry about that. I wanted to give this part it's own chapter cause some important and nice stuff happens! Lucas and Lydia are their names, what do you guys think?
anyways, leave your feedback; comment and vote, and i hope you guys like the chapter!

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