Chapter 1

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  It was a dark and stormy day. Alexis found herself out on the grey, churning sea, crouching in a wooden box.
  When she opened her mouth to scream, nothing but pressed white flowers tumbled from her lips, hard but soft, smooth but rough all at once.

  The flowers filled the box surprisingly quickly, suffocating the 19- year old with its cloying, sweet embrace.

Alexis's POV

I sat upright, pale hand plucking strands of sweaty hair (ewww) away from my forehead.
I glared at the stupid air conditioner.  "Why aren't you doing your job?" Even though the remote control insisted that the temperature was 19 degrees, it felt like a damn oven was hovering over me, or breathing down my neck like a creepy stalker.

I shuddered at the thought.
Begone, THOT.

But the recent murders had been enough for me to lock everything.

Even the cookie jar.

Oh, my beloved cookies. I could never bear to live without you, sweet incarnations of diabetes!!!

I rolled over and went back to sleep.

You know, like the lazy pig that I am.


I wandered through the empty streets. How long had it been since the war again?

I signalled to Ashley- I had no other way of communication now- to advance on the poor girl texting in the smelly, dark, dank alleyway next to us.

Go figure why anyone would do that.

Anyway, we snuck up on her, holding our breaths against the stench. I smacked her over the head with my metal blowpipe with enough force to leave a bloody gash in the side of her head. She fell down and began to bleed out on the grimy floor.

I signed at Ashley: There. Dinner.

She nodded and fell onto the body as I turned away to get my own food, grimacing.


As we walked back to the forest, each licking their lips, I began to doubt if we would ever find our way back to the House.
I shook the thoughts off. All I needed to worry about now was to find somewhere safe to rest for the night, and that was it.

I found my way to a abandoned shack. It was in surprisingly good shape, no critters or anything in there.
Even the electricity and water was still running.

So we let ourselves in and sat down on the sofa.
It smelt slightly like oranges inside, reminding me of something Sarah, aka Atlas showed me before.

"There are safehouses my father built all over the country. In every one of them, I put maps, food, medicine, first aid stuff, cells, accommodation and facilities. So if you get hurt or lost, Delta, watch out for them. They're like warehouses or shacks."

"But don't be fooled. They're super protected. Just hit the light switch on the Japanese dressing screen frame and lockdown mode will immediately be activated. If needed, escape into the bunkers."

I sat still in shock.
Was it possible? I signed quickly to Ash, and ran off to the master bedroom.

Once I got to the door there, I slammed it open, not even taking time to admire the spacious, light filled room that looked over a little blue lake outside.
I rushed in eagerly, searching the room and grabbing at random papers.
  I 'gasped' as I picked up a laminated piece of cartridge paper with intricate pen and ink drawings on it.

  I would've shouted in joy if Oh I DoN't KNoW ZaLGo HaDn'T ToRn My VoIceBoX OuT!?
  Oh, sorry, uncle-that-encouraged-me-to-play-with-acid, did that sound bitter to you?

Anyway, I picked the paper up gingerly and ran downstairs to find Ashley.

  But all I found there was blowing curtains and something on the floor.

  A splotch of black liquid.

Day 2

  I sat at the kitchen table. I knew that the tunnels under the shack were marked with white chalk going towards the mansion, according to the map.
  I have also verified the date- 13 October 2081. I'll admit, I was surprised. 5 years since the war? Wow. I mean like, how long could I have been concussed on the battle field???

Day 3

  I'm halfway to the House.
  Yep, I went in the tunnels, bringing food and water sufficient for 10 days of travel, a med kit, a compass, the map, knives and
my faithful old pistol.
  Overkill? You bet.
  At least I'd be prepared!

Day 4

  I'm at the gates! I rang the hidden bell and listened as it tolled loudly, filling the air with chatter from the CPs and Proxies.
  I smiled. I would finally get to see Sarah and Sally and probably Ashley as well.

  (Theory for how Ash disappeared:
  Either Jack or Slender came to the house, but Slender is ruled out as I didn't hear static. That only leaves Jack. How he got here? I'm guessing the tunnels as I saw several tracks and wrappers in the tunnels as I travelled.
  He then thought I was dead (having your throat ripped out convinces people) and left with only Ash.)

Suddenly, the gates creaked open.

'Jeff, dear. This... girl... over here looks like your old girlfriend. Come quick!'

Nina. [infernal cat hissing has occurred]

I sat in my house as I read a book. There was a ruckus outside, but it was none of my business so I continued to read.

The continental emptiness in the void filled the heroine's head, filling her with despair as she sank to her knees.

'Oi! Whatcha doing?!'

The dragon had arrived in a flurry of fire. The heroine struggled ip to meet her foe-

'Don't go there! Hey!'
I concentrated on my book as footsteps pounded outside. The Monster was about to be ended.

And finally defeated it with a swing of her mighty sword.
The minions of evil wailed and disintegrated into piles of black dust.

The End.

My door burst open just as I snapped the book shut.

'Jeff I swear if it's about Nina-!' I yelled as I turned around, book in hand. I gasped as I came face-to-face with an old friend.

'D? You're back?'



Enjoyed the plot?

In the next chapter, imma describe the war, sorta like a flashback.

See ya!!!


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