Chapter 6

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School starts tomorrow and I have never been so tired. IN MY LIFE.

But anyhow you aren't here to hear me rant. So.


I also apologise in advance for any sort of anger, annoyance or discomfort. And also making you cringe ;•;

  This guy was smiling at me across the room. I was literally sitting in Jeff's lap (gRoSs)right now in a raging frat party because we were stalking this kid and he said I'd be of no use to him raped.
  The guy we were stalking winked at me and Jeff tensed under me (ew that sounds so wrong).

He growled. Literally growled like a frigging dog.
  'That mother****** ain't gonna know what hit him, Dee. Just lemme-!'
  I shushed him like he was a needy toddler, which he was. I was about to sass his ass off before I spotted a lonely figure in the corner.
  'Is that Alexis in the corner there crying?'

And Jeff, being blind as heck, looked in the opposite direction.

I facepalmed before getting up to go to her.
My eyes unblurred just in time for me to see someone kneeling down in front of me. Thinking, *heck this ain't my business she's probably stoned and drunk out of her mind right now*, I looked away and kept crying. Y'know, like a bitch.

'Hey. Alexis. Whatchu doin?'
I looked up (AGAIN. WHY CAN'T I CRY IN PEACE?!)to see a girl with blonde hair that was Long and flowy with green eyes, probably the figure from just now. 'Oh,' I said, wiping the tears off my face, 'nothing much. Just... something got into my eye. Yeah...'
She glared at me suspiciously. 'Okayyyy... I'll leave you to take care of your eye then.' (She probably meant my feelings:/ )

I saw her walk to a cute-ish guy with brown hair and deep blue eyes sitting on a leather recliner. He immediately pulled her onto his lap and nuzzled his chin into her hair and whispered something to her. She frowned at him and whispered something back, scowling.

I was about to leave the dumb party where my bf dumped me through a fucking text (ikr, low as hecc) when a thought hit me.
  *how did that girl know my name?!*

[p.s : no, Zachary, I'm not mad at you at all! Just mad at the fact that you made me dress in stripper clothing and meet you IN THE MIDDLE OF HE NIGHT where I could get raped. AND THEN DUMPED ME.]


  Mission success.
  One gory, drawn out death with my name on it? Check.
Scaring some people? Check.
Killing said people? Check.

  So why was I so... sad?
  I should've been feeling really, really happy! Like, who wouldn't after feeling warm blood spatter on their clothes and face?

  Oh wait. I forgot you were normal people who apparently can't enjoy the SIMPLE PLEASURES OF LIFE. Because of emotional baggage. I mean- wow. Just wow.

  Maybe it's because Dee was sassing me at the party when I tried to tell her about when we were dating.
  Not my fault if she can't handle ... ahem... stuff.
Or maybe it was because I let someone escape.

  I grunted and rolled over in my bed. Eh. Not my problem.

That was Clockwork when I told her I let someone escape.
'You must've been stoned or drunk as heck, dude.'
That was BEN... as expected.
'You know Slendy's gunna roast you alive, right.'
That was Atlas.

And Jane was just laughing on the couch. Like a BiTcH.

  Nina was talking about how she would dress up as me and take the punishment for me.

  And Dee was in the corner reading.

I walked up to her and went, 'Hi.'
Then she looked at me and said hi. And that we had that awkward moment where we're both like "you gonna make the next move or do you want me to move or..."

  We both apologised at the same time.

'I shouldn't have let her go-.'
'I should've had paid more attention-.'

We both stopped.
'You go first,' I said, feeling distinctly sure that this had happened before somewhere in our relationship.
  We swapped 'no u's for awhile before she started to talk.
'I... should've paid more attention and caught the girl or made sure that she'd never left in the first place. It's my fault someone escaped. Now leave me alone. I'm going to bed.'

I watched as she stumbled to the stairs and yawned before she disappeared to the second level.

Then I turned around to see the entire room staring at us. 'What?' I demanded aggressively. Everyone hurriedly went back to their respective activities as I huffed.

  But a certain girl crept up the stairs with knife in hand.


I gasped as I saw the headlines. "A FEW DOZEN 19 year olds killed in an unsupervised party just yesterday. People are encouraged to be careful of who they befriend. Survivors are-."

And the article ended there because I was too sickened by the gory picture below. A unknown feeling welled up in my chest as I sat there. The doorbell rang as I got up.

A boy was at my doorstep. He was really cute, with blonde hair, pale peachy skin and forest green eyes that seemed to sparkle in the dim sunset light.

'Umm... hi?' I asked, kinda suspicious.'

He grinned at me and said, 'You shouldn't have done that, Alexis Y. James.'
And then I got knocked out.


I groaned as I looked at the serum. This would give some of the Creepypastas, a normal life. I called them all into my room, and they assembled.

(A/N: AvEngErs, AsSemBLe!!! Ok sorry sorry please continue)

Where's Ben and Jeff?I questioned as they all looked at the serum in the test tube on my table.

Sally piped up. 'They're out. What's this meeting for?'

I have noticed recently that some of you have expressed interest in living in the human cities. I paused as they tensed.

I would like those select few to know that I have developed a serum that will reverse your insanity and anomalies, and also give you a chance to be normal people for the said people. This serum will not stop you from having the occasional temper tantrum, and will not reverse your immortality, but everything else will be reversed. Who wants to take this?

Everyone stared at the tube. Halves at the back of the room raised her hand.

'I want to go out in the world without fear, and learn for myself how to live.' She explained as the others stared at her, shocked. 'I only lived in the actual world until I was about 9 but was always guarded. But then I was moved into the underworld when I turned ten, removing any chance of me to go into the world. I came here when I was 13. So.. yeah.' she murmured, shuffling her feet nervously.

EJ, Ashley and Sally voiced up with similar reasons: that hey wanted to experience a normal life for once.

Come here, children. They walked over quietly as I busied myself with a syringe.

They winced as the needles went into them, but said nothing.

Remember, I told them. You will always have a spot in our house... our family. They smiled at me as their Creepypasta forms faded, leaving their normal selves to fade away and ghost to the mortal city nearest to us.

A/N: hiii I'm so sorry for not updating as much so I made an extra long chapter for y'all sweet people over here.


Atlas out

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