Chapter 13

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3rd POV
  Everyone was gathered in the room. BEN was pushing EJ around, LJ was talking to Pinkamena, and everything was basically rowdy but slightly tense.
  'So! Tone it down everyone, we're here to welcome someone back, not scare her off.'
  Atlas shook her head. 'These people are hopeless,' she complained to a tall faceless figure occupying the one Chippendale armchair. 'Relax. It's not like she's going to freak over this.', the man scoffed.

  'I think she will. You don't know her like I do, Operator,' she hissed with an accusatory glance at his thin white hands. His back stiffened. 'Okay, that's unacceptable. Shut it while I quiet these people.'

  He stood up, his height dwarfing everyone in the room. 'SILENCE!'
  The whole room shut it. The fire crackled  and popped cheerfully as Toby stuck a few pieces of wood inside. His shoulder jumped up violently and connected with his head, which chose to tic now as well. He winced and rubbed it. Sally hugged her bear closer and snuggled into the pillows on the couch, giggling at Toby's antics. Toby shot her an unimpressed look before ticking again.
  'Now. We're welcoming H back, and you know how she is about crowds. So-,'
  Jeff cut him off. 'Why reintroduce? She already knows everyone.'

  Slendy seethed. 'Yes, Jeffery, but SOME PEOPLE have changed. Also, there are temporary additions. So, reintroduction. And anyways, new people have arrived anyway. So I'm assigning people.  First things first, Jeff, Atlas, show her around. Jane, find her a new room. And,' his back slouched, 'tell her I'm sorry.' Then he teleported out of the room.
  Suddenly, a frail figure padded in. She was wearing a navy sweater with a bronze-ish zipper, denim shorts and black leggings. 'Hi, everyone. I'm... awake? What's the tea around here?

  Everyone stared at her before surging to her and talking all at once.

Jeff's POV
  One question. How is she so small? Also, what is she wearing? And why wake up now?
  I frowned in deep thot while Helena just stood there, soaking the scene in. The talking was so loud, we didn't even realise when a man in his thirties entered the room. It was only when Sally muscled her way to the front of the crowd and lifted her accursed teddy up when we realised.
  'Xavier!! You're back?' H froze, looking at him. 'What's his name?'

Sally grinned. 'H, this is Xavier. Xavier, H! She's been-!'
H cut her off. 'I've.... seen you before. When I was... sleeping.'
Everyone listened in while trying to seem like they weren't. 'You were... younger? And you had blonde hair. And grey eyes. Not...' ,she hopelessly gestured, 'this.'
He broke into a smile. 'Bonjour mon cher! Je m'appelle Xavier. C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer, mais je meurs de faim.'
He looked around, smiling uncomprehendingly. Sarah burst into laughter, while H looked around, confused. Everybody else had already caught onto the joke. I frowned. Not funny though, he tried that on me once.
'Ok, ok,' Sarah gasped(finally), 'knock it off. You need to stop lapsing into French, ya know? It's cruel to us.'

He grinned. 'Okay, okay, ya got me. But still,' he smiled at H, 'Coffee anywhere?'
H smiled at him as Sarah replied. 'Obviously. Kitchen, Toby? We still have some pancakes.' Toby and Xavier followed after her as I smirked and turned to face H.

'He got here last month,' I explained. 'He's nice, always brings in gifts for us. And smart!' I exclaimed. 'Ain't that so, (Y/N)?'
My girlfriend turned around, grinning. 'Yup. Also, say hi to Lazarus and Laz for me, will you?'

I grinned. 'Will do, babe. Anyway, he real question is...', I turned to H. 'Why are you so short? EJ, Ashley, any ideas?'
Sarah yelled at me from the kitchen. 'RUDE MUCH?!'

  Ash frowned. 'I'm thinking it's due to malnutrition and lack of exercise.'
  EJ just shrugged. 'I'm hungry. I'll say my theory later.' Ash, Jack and H all trooped into the kitchen, H tugging at the sleeves of her sweater. The other Creepypastas dispersed slowly, each leaving till it was just me and (Y/N) left.

I grumbled as I went to get Smile dog for an evening walk, (Y/N) tagging behind me. I didn't see the shadows writhe as she caught up to me in the courtyard.

I wish I had. I could've saved somebody's life if I hadn't been so unobservant that day, so mesmerised by (Y/N)'s smile..
If only...
Ahem. Anyways.


  We stared at Pinkamena's limp body. Her eyes lolled and her pink hair was matted with blood. As I watched, a trickle of darkness leaked out of her dismembered limbs.
  'Take her out.' Slendy sighed, seemingly tired for a infinite entity. 'Before she explodes. I've had enough of this kryuguke shit- I mean nonsense. I'm going to Zalgo's. He may have some help.

  I frowned as Puppeteer carted her body out with his strings. I puzzled over what could've happened. All we'd heard was a horrible scream and then gurgling noises erupting from the lounge, flooding the whole house. As expected, Pinky's vocal cords were shredded. I shuddered at the memory of inputting the violent memories into Helena's mind. Not like she wasn't violent, but still.

  I walked upstairs to me and (Y/N)'s room.
  When I'd seen Helena, I'd known something in her had changed fundamentally. She was no longer the girl who sparred with me, or the one who built a treehouse out of boredom.

  I climbed into bed next to (Y/N). I wonder if the treehouse was still up.
  I sighed and cuddled closer to (Y/N), an idea formulating in my mind. Could it be...

(Next morning cuz I'm lazy)

  EJ tore at a kidney, swallowing the shred of organ in a huge gulp as I attacked my cereal.
  'My theory is that H hadn't shrunk. She seems like she's shrunk because we've grown taller.'
I stared at him like he'd suggested going to the local town to buy groceries.
'I thought we were stuck in a loop of age and time until we died.' (Y/N) looked up. Oh. Wait.
She scowled at me. 'Are you serious? You forgot me!'
She mock gasped at my (as am what H would have called it) impudence.

H called me many things.

I brought Guthrie my bowl to the sink and turned the tap on. To my horror, it leaked black onto my bowl before gushing. I quickly shut the tap and went to see Slender, hands caked in the stuff.

'Slender? I need to report something.'

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