6 - Jenna and the Kids

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The events over the next few days in regards to the James Elroy situation is chaotic, to say the least. Dean and I drove out to the Elroy residence to return the child to his weeping and ever grateful mother. There is a sense of sentimentality and appreciation for the scene that unfolds when they embrace one another, and weep into each other's arms. It's not too often that cases like this get this much of a happy ending. Is this what Dean would consider a "chick flick moment?" He tends to label that on any scenario with high emotion.

Jody Mills holds a brief press conference, letting the public know that the boy is safe, and no charges will be filed on James due to the circumstances of which he has testified of under oath. The suspects, she reports, are being handled in another jurisdiction, but unless the other jurisdiction chooses to reveal information, no information will be given at this time to prevent public panic. And that's all that is needed.

I'm the one who calls Crowley and informs him that we have found the boy the demon was possessing.

"Obviously, Feathers." Crowley says. "I've been trying to track this bastard for 3 days, but he keeps slipping out from my fingers."

"You didn't notify us that the demon abandoned the body of James Elroy?"

"No, I didn't think it important. The kid's home safe, the boys don't need to exorcise him and I can torture him for information however I want."

It's the fact that his reasoning makes sense that causes me mild irritation rather than the reasoning itself.

Sam calls Dean shortly thereafter and asks Dean to assist himself and Nova in retrieving the children from their aunt Jenna. We are told to meet Jenna and the kids at a nearby restaurant. Jenna thought it may be a good idea to take the children out to get their minds off things.

When we step into the restaurant, a woman stands up and waves us over. She's tall, slender, with black hair in a haircut that doesn't go below her collarbones. Her eyes are intensely focused. I can see the bags below her eyes. She has the same sparkly blue as her niece, Aubrey, who stands on the chair beside her aunt, hugging her close.

She gives Nova a large hug, the two women squeezing each other tight.

"How are you holding up, sis?" She asks.

"I'm doing okay. Um...Jenna, I don't know if you remember these guys, but they were friends of Chandler's. They say that they knew you?" Nova gesture towards Sam and Dean. Dean wears an expression of what I can only presume to be astonishment and lust. His eyes are wide, his mouth in a slight "o" shape. He holds his arms in a way one would associate with a frozen robot, not a man in his mid-30's.

"Sam? Dean? Oh my god, look at you two!" she pulls the boys in for a hug. Across from Jenna is a young woman, probably about the same age as Nova, with long, dirty blonde hair and green eyes that spark mischief and whimsy. I look at her button nose, and the freckles that look across it. She smiles at Jude, who's sitting beside her, coloring what looks like a cow on a skateboard. She glances to me, and flashes a smile. I smile back, but stiffly.

Jenna looks at me. "Who's this guy?"

Dean smiles. "This is mine and Sam's best friend, Castiel." He takes my hand and pushes it in front of Jenna. "Go on, Cas, shake her hand. It's Jenna." He says this rather eagerly. Jenna giggles quietly.

Odd. All of this is odd.

Jenna shakes my hand. It's firm, and friendly. She smiles and it doesn't quite reach her eyes. Instead lies a look of sorrow. Of course. She just lost her brother.

"Nice to meet you, Cas." She says.

"Uh...me, too." I blurt out.


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