7 - Breakfast of Champions

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Dean and I head back on the road a few days later when we catch wind of a ghost in Boulder. When we're up for breakfast that morning, Nova has Aubrey sitting in a booster seat at the table, and Jude is stirring pancake batter at the counter, nearby his mother.

"Oooh, pancakes. Dean likes pancakes," Dean says in a playful voice. Jude looks up and smiles at him. 

"They're gonna be awesome," he tells Dean. Dean walks over, and hops up to sit on the counter beside Jude, and tassels his blonde hair.

"You boys are up early," Nova says to us. "You heading out early, too?"

"Uh, actually, we're gonna have breakfast with you guys, and then head out," I say.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Nova says. She turns, her eyes starting to look a little clearer, without the fog of stress in them. There's even something I haven't seen before in them. Now, instead of the honey brown and golden flecks, there is now---a light, I guess. A spark.

Aubrey has warmed right up to us. Cas's memory mix and match has absolutely benefited her in the best way possible. Nova was right, it messed her up. Before, Aubrey was a shy little girl clinging to the sides of her mother and aunt, shy, not daring to make eye contact with anyone who she didn't know perfectly. Now, this little girl gets off her booster seat, picture in hand, and runs up, shameless and innocent to me. She wears a big smile and holds it up. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but it has a lot of color.

"Woooah, that's an awesome drawing, Aub. What is it?" I ask her.

She points to it and grins a toothy grin. "It's a unicorn baking a cake for all his friends, and Rainbow Princess is helping him."

I take the picture, and glance it over. The princess on there is wearing an all rainbow dress, and the unicorn's got a rainbow horn.

"Well, this is going on the Fridge of Fame," I say.

"Okay but I'm not done with it," she says. She flexes her tiny fingers in her hand, asking for the picture back. I hand it to her.

"Wait. Why is she a Rainbow Princess?" I ask her. Nova and Jude bust out laughing.

"What?" I ask, then turn to them.

"Mom, can I say the one where Daddy would wash my mouth out with soap cuz I swore?"

Nova pretends to think about it for a minute. "Hmmmmm. Okay, but just to tell Sam and Dean why she's Rainbow, after that, they have to tell anyone else who asks. Or Mommy."

"Okay," Aubrey turns to look at me, her strawberry blonde hair flying in her face. "It's because she's gay as fuck, like Bonnie and Marcia across the street."

Dean and I both start laughing in hysterics.

"That's awesome, Aubrey," I say. She reaches in and gives me a hug. As best as she can. Her arms are wrapped around my legs. I bend down and hug her around the middle. It's amazing how tiny and fragile a child is.

We hug for a moment, and then she pulls away to run to Dean. I get up, and walk to Nova.

"Need any help?"

"Here, chop up these potatoes, won't you?"

"Sure thing."

She points to a cutting board with 4 large potatoes on them. Dean carries Aubrey to her spot at the table.

"Okay, kid. Finish your drawing, I'm gonna go and hit the shower," he tells her.

"Oh, now you care about hygiene?" I tease.

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