12 - Saying Things

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The first thing I remember after the crash is looking at my own body. I'm all tubed up, connected to machinery, bruised and scratched, just completely off. It startles me, and I jump back a few feet. Besides me, I see Castiel, looking down over my body.

"Cas?" I say. He looks up.

"What are you doing?"

He looks around the room.

He's an angel, and he can't hear me? That's dumb.

He places his hand over my forehead, and I can feel the warmth, despite the fact I'm not in my body. His eyes close, and a warm, golden light shines from below his palm.

I can feel some of the aches and pains I wasn't aware I had fading away. I feel more conscious of my surroundings.

I see that I'm in the hospital. My stomach is all covered, and it looks smaller than it has. Like a deflated balloon.

Wait. Where is my baby? I wonder. Did she make it okay?

I start to hyperventilate, panic setting in. What if she didn't?

Where is my daughter?

I start walking around, but I don't feel my own steps.

Cas clears his throat.

"I know you're here. I can't see you, but I can feel your presence," Castiel says.

"Can you hear me?" I shout, almost to a scream.

He's silent. That's a no if I ever haven't heard one.

"You will be fine. I promise. I'll be watching over you, Nova. You and your daughter and your children. But you're healed now. I don't know how long it'll take, but soon, you'll wake up."

He turns, and walks off.


I try to leave to find my daughter, but something is chaining me. I can't leave the room. It must be Cas's healing me doing it. Another hour comes and goes, and two nurses come in. A brunette nurse and a black haired one. They get ready to wheel me away.

"Make sure you don't wiggle her too much, or you'll cause further injury to her bones."

"How many did she break?"

"We're not sure. Scott estimated 37 on arrival."

"Really? Holy shit, what the hell hit her?"

"Some bastard drunk driving. They have her detained, she didn't suffer a scratch."

"Well, to hell with the other driver. It's just a miracle her baby survived."

"Right? And without a scratch on her."

I breathe a sigh of relief. I see my chest exhale. The nurses take note.

"Woah, there. It's okay, Nova. We got you."

"You heard us, didn't you? That your baby is okay."

"Yep. She is. She's doing wonderfully. There are three men, say they're your friends. They haven't left her side since she was all dolled up and ready to go. She looks just like you, sis."

"That big tall guy, the really handsome one with the longish hair? She went and stole that guy's heart, I can tell you that right now."

I smile, feeling my heart flutter. Of course, I think to myself. Of course Sam would love her. He's loved her from before she was born. That's why he's so protective. That's why he's promised he'll stay.

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