30 - A Brother's Blessing

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Charlie, Sam and I spend the next hour or so catching up with one another. She tells us about Oz ("Oz? As in, The Wizard of?" Nova cut in when she heard us talking it over. Sam promises to explain it later because it's a long, long story.) Sam and I tell her about the events over the 18 months since we've seen her.

"And Sammy here? He's gonna be a dad."

Charlie gasps loudly and shouts "WAIT, REALLY?"

I look to Sam, who closes his eyes, and smiles.

Nova chimes in. "Yeah. This big old lumberjack here got me knocked up," she says. Sam's face turns a faint shade of pink, and I laugh aloud.

"Wow! That's awesome! Congratulations, I guess."

"Thank you," Sam says, smirking, looking at Nova from the side of his eyes. Nova grins at him, eyes closed tight.

"You love me," she says, teasing him.

"Well, I'd have to be an idiot if I didn't," Sam says.

"Soo." Charlie says. "When's Sam Jr. making their big debut?"

"Easter," Sam says. "Around that time. April 17th, doctor says."

"That's awesome. I'm excited for you guys!"

We talk for a little while longer about random things. Sam and I talk about Nova and the kids, Nova and Charlie chat for a while and they get along pretty well, making Lord of the Rings jokes back and forth and nerding out over Harry Potter, especially when they find out that their favorite character is Hermione.

Charlie eventually stops in the middle of a sentence to Nova that honestly, I wasn't paying attention to.

"Hey, guys. I gotta go. I've been back for three hours and that's probably the amount of sleep I've gotten all week. I'm gonna go catch up on some beauty sleep and then I'll see you guys Saturday," she says.

"Sounds great," I say.

"I'll text you the address," Sam says.

"Perfect. Well. Can't wait to see you guys."

"Bye, kiddo."

Sam helps Nova up, and she steadies herself by placing her hands over his chest.

"You okay?" Sam asks. I snap into focus at Nova.

"Yeah. Just a little light-headed. Stood up too quickly."


That evening, while Nova is helping Myla in the bath, Sam walks up to me.

"Hey. I need to talk to you for a moment," he says.

"Sure. What's up?" I say.

"In the car," he says. I nod, apprehensively.

I open the door to the Impala a few moments later and look at Sam.

"What is it?"

Sam ignores me, instead getting in the car. I roll my eyes, sighing, and slide myself onto the seat. I pivot myself towards him.

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