8 - Sam Winchester, King of Denial

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3 weeks later

"Do you like it?" Sam asks.

"It's a blessing. I haven't been able to sleep this well in months. Thank you, Sam," Nova says. She sounds like she just woke up. Her voice is kinda husky, at least. Like she's got a bad case of morning voice. Sam smiles, showing a tiny bit of his teeth.

"Hey, I was the one who came up with the idea!" I yell to the phone. "Sam just paid for it."

"Okay," Nova says. "Thank you both. I managed to get some sleep last night, thanks to this thing."

"It looks like an earthworm," Sam says.

She laughs. "It kinda does. You're suppose to wrap it around your body so it looks like a giant C."

"Weird. But if you're happy about it, that's great." I tell her.

"Thanks. Hey, listen, I gotta go. Aubrey's being a little too quiet. I need to go check on her."

"Okay. Hey, we'll be there in a few hours, alright?" Sam says.

"Sure, no problem. Better step on the gas, though, boys. I'm making my mom's lasagna."

"Oh, don't tempt me like that, sweetheart," I say.

"What?" Sam asks me.

"I've heard stories about that lasagna. I've heard it can perform miracles. Her and her dad practically worshipped it," I tell him.

"A lasagna? Perform miracles? Sure, if you're Garfield." Sam says. I shake my head at him. Poor, naïve Sam. With his green leaf smoothies and his kale and exercise. He knows but little.

"It's true, Sammy. It's the shit. Anyway, I'll see you boys later. Bye."


Nova hangs up the phone, and Sam slips it into his chest pocket.

"She called you Sammy." I point out.

"Did she?"

"She did. And you didn't mind." I shoot him a look. Sam refuses to look at me. "You and her have been texting eachother on the phone ever since we left, you're constantly talking about her, you smile like a great big old jackass, not to mention you seem to be—"

It hits me.

"Oh, my god. Sam, do you have a crush on her?"

"Shut up, Dean."

"No, seriously bro. Answer my question: Do you. Have a crush. On Nova?"

Sam shoots me his good ol' classic bitchface.

"Dean. Drop it," he says, sternly.

"Alright, man, chill out, I'm just messing with you," I say.

"Thank you." He looks out his window and stares into space.

"I think you should go for her, though, Sam, I really do."

"I thought we were dropping it?"

"I'm just saying, Sammy. Nova's a wonderful person. Big heart, friendly. Sweetest little thing. And you don't even have to worry about her still being in love with Chandler, because she was never in love with him from the beginning! And then, I could actually, and really be Uncle Dean," I tell him.

He sighs. "Okay, since we're not dropping it..."

I smile. "Come on, Sam. Why not go for her?"

Sam scoffs. "For one, her husband died not even a month ago. Two, she needs her space right now, away from a relationship. She has two children and one on the way to worry about, she doesn't have time for a relationship. And...Dean, you know how it goes with me and women. The ones who get involved with me...they always end up. Well. Dead."

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