26 -A Sense of Urgency

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Myla is chasing Jude around the livingroom as fast as her tiny legs can carry her, cackling like a tiny witch. I smile, watching them. Aubrey stands up from the center of the living room, picture and blue crayon in hand. She still has a smear of Pop Tart on her face. She looks at me, and a big grin splits on her face.

"Uncle Dean! Look! I made this for you!" she says, proud of herself. I sit up from my lying position on the couch, and grab the paper from her hand. I look at it.

"Woah. That's really cool! Look it's a---what is it?" I ask, turning to her. She giggles.

"Take a guess," she says.

"Oh...okay. I'll give it a shot. Okay. This is...this is General...Worm. Thing. And he has tic tacs for toes? Yeah, and he's commanding his army of penguin...spiders."

Aubrey giggles. Myla stops chasing Jude in front of the TV. Jude continues running, ignoring his baby sister.

"You need glasses, man. That's not it at all."

"It's not? Okay. Tell me what that is."

"That's you, okay? Then there's Aunt Jenna. You're dancing the mamba with the penguins. You got that right. And that's not General Worm, he has BANANAS for toes!" She laughs. I laugh with her.

"Oh. Right. I thought he got a new pair of shoes or something."

Aubrey shakes her head vigorously. "Nope. That's Cas. He told me his favorite color was orange. So he has orange shoes on. He's watching and laughing at it cuz he thinks the penguins are funny."

"That sounds like Cas, alright," I say. "Tell you what, this is going in my room in the bunker," I say, smiling at her. She reaches in to hug me.

"I love you, Uncle Dean," she says. I smile, and squeeze her closer to me.

"Love you, too, kid." When I pull away, she turns and jumps at Myla, roaring her lion roar, pouncing at her. Myla laughs, and the chase is back on with Aubrey joining in.

I fold the picture into 4 pieces and place it in my shirt pocket. I watch them go at it for a good five minutes before Myla finally stops and falls clean on her bottom.

"Woooah!" I say. She looks over to me, and smiles a little bit. "You're okay, baby girl!" I shout. She blabbers away, so I assume that's her agreeing with me. I hear my phone vibrate, and at the same time, the tiny crystal bell by the front door starts to chime.

I look down at the phone.

"It's Cas," I tell the kids.

Jude yells out a loud "YAAAAY!" and Myla screams her excitement. Aubrey is doubled over, panting. She looks over to me, blue eyes wild.

"Oh no. I didn't make him a picture," she said.

The doorknob slowly turns, and Cas walks in. He sees the kids first, who all yell his name. They reach and give him hugs, jumping at him like tiny little chihuahuas. He attempts to pick up Jude and Aubrey at the same time, but struggles. They slide down his chest, and Cas looks to me.

"Hello, Dean." Is all he says. I smile.

"What's up, Cas?"

Cas pushes his way past the kids, and Aubrey shouts something and runs down the hallway to her room. Jude stops and looks at both of us. Myla walks over to Aubrey's empty crayon box, clumsily bends over, and picks it up with her tiny hand, and then straightens herself out with one arm extended. She then sticks the corner of the box in her hand.

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