16 - Nova Speaks

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Did I ever tell you how we got into hunting in the first place, Sam? It was when I was...6, maybe? Around Jude's age. Anyway. My mom had an adopted brother named Connor. Connor was...a rugaru. He started turning and attacked my grandma, almost out of the blue. For us, I mean. We didn't know what to look for. We didn't even know ghosts were real. He almost killed the poor woman. My dad had to be the one to kill him. And during that, he accidentally set the entire house on fire. He got out, but uncle Connor didn't. So, we hit the road, and had been on it for years.

Mom and Dad homeschooled me from there on out. They lost everything in that fire. They had maybe a grand in the bank, and a full tank of gas in the Oldsmobile. So we high-tailed it out of there and onto the road. I was never really allowed in on the hunts until I was maybe 14. Then they had me doing research for them. I was constantly in libraries, and, this was like, the 90's, so the internet was barely a thing, but I did manage to figure that out pretty quickly and find information from there if I couldn't find anything in a book.

That was when I met my friend, Meadow. She was my age. She was funny. She was really understanding. Her dad was in the Navy, and he was stationed all over the country, so she had to move often. We got along really well. She had her own cell phone, and so she gave me her number. Every town we pulled through, I'd call her from a payphone. We'd hang out together when we got the chance and crossed paths.

Then, one day, we found out Meadow went missing. There was an active amber alert for her. She went missing while passing through Manti, Utah. We were there for a ghost hunt. That was my first hunt ever. It was a quick salt and burn, thankfully.

I begged my parents to take a break from hunting for a while and to find her. It took some convincing, but once I pointed out she was, really, my only friend, they did. And we got deep in the rabbit hole. That's how we found out about the vamp's nest.

Now, we'd been hunting for 10 years. But we never came across vampires before. The most dangerous ones we'd faced were shifters, and that was a nightmare.

We found out through various eyewitnesses, who were very sympathetic towards the truth of the situation, since the police did very little on the case and everyone thought it was odd, that Meadow's last known location was entering into a house on the outskirts of town, but no one ever saw her come out. I know. Why didn't they report that to the police? They did. The police did nothing about it. Didn't even check it out.

But my parents did. We saw the Impala parked nearby, but we thought it was a neighbor. We started scoping the house, but Dean and John had beat us to it.

They thought we were squatters, but after they talked with my parents, we found out we were hunting the same thing. After searching, we found Meadow's body. Her throat was completely ripped out. It was horrific. Mom hauled me upstairs and Dad and the others called 9-1-1. But all of us were gone before they got there. We knew better than to linger. I think Dean had a warrant out at the time for something. I don't remember.

We linked up at a motel and discussed what we knew so far. That's when we found that the vampires would be heading towards Tooele. So we got up there, but we had to come up with a game plan. I know. Going into the area without having a basic idea of what you were doing. Stupid. I know. But still, it was what it was.

I was really struggling after Meadow's death. I was the one who stumbled on her body first. So I began to seclude myself from others. My parents didn't want me around there, anyway, or so I thought.

Then one evening, we went and had some food at a greasy little diner. John and my parents came up with a plan to get the nest. We knew it was a larger nest than most, and there were two vampires in charge instead of only one. They were a couple. We guessed maybe 16 were among them.

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