19 - About Damn Time

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The next morning, I wake up to find Aubrey snuggled on my chest. I smile, and lay my head back down. Ever so cautiously, I reach for my phone, and take a photo of the sight. I send it to Nova.

Someone decided to have a sleepover, I text her.

I place the phone down to my side, and close my eyes, breathing in a little bit. After a few minutes, my phone buzzes. I reach to check it.

My god, that is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

I smile, and after about thirty minutes of just resting there, and thinking things over, Aubrey sharply inhales, and squeaks. She stretches and opens her eyes. I can see her long eyelashes flutter, but I stay silent. Then she turns and looks to me, still tired.

"I forgot I was in here," is all she says. I laugh.


"Yeah. I had a nightmare so I came to sleep with you. You're closer."

That's not exactly true. The guest rooms Nova set apart for Dean and I are on the opposite end of the house from where the kids sleep. But I'm so flattered and appreciative that she thought to snuggle up with me, and so full of raw emotion and love, that I'm silent. I can feel tears sting the corner of my eyes, and I wrap my arms around her, and give her a hug.

"You're cute, you know that?" I say.

"I've been told."

Her little body slides off of me, and she sits, crosslegged, just beside me on the bed. She rubs her eyes with her tiny little hands, and she lays back down.

"I love you, Sam."

I smile. "I love you, too, kiddo."

I sit up, and stretch. She looks to me. "Where are you going?"

"It's time to get up for the day," I tell her.

"Oh. Okay. If you say so."

She turns over and falls back asleep. I laugh silently, and walk into the hallway to find Dean.

"Aubrey's in there?" he asks.

"Yeah. She said she had a nightmare and decided to come snuggle up with me."

"You bitch." Dean says, offended.

I grin. "I think I'm the favorite. Jerk."

We sit down, it's still quiet out. The sun is barely climbing over the horizon. Dean looks to me.

"What did Chandler say? Last night?"

I swallow a sip of coffee, feeling it burn down my throat, bittersweet. I feel the heat burn my throat, and the tears well in my eyes.

"He said that if I wanted to, to go after Nova. That I have a better chance than he ever did."

Dean nods, satisfied. I suppose he thought I would lie, or refuse to answer.

"He's right, you know."

"I know. But..."

"But what, Sam? You said you'd take it slow. It's been a year. I'd say that's pretty slow."

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