18 - Confrontation

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Dean walks in, looking perplexed. I breathe a sigh of relief. Then he looks to us. He shakes his head ever so slightly, at first one would think they were imagining it.

"What is it?" I ask him. He looks to me, and walks closer.

"It's Chandler." Is all he says, quietly.

I turn to look to the others. Nova stands, stiff, besides Sam, who reaches down and grabs her hand. He looks anxious, but focuses all of his attention towards her.

"Are you sure?"

"One hundred percent. He says he wants to talk to Nova."

"She's not going alone," Sam says.

"Well, obviously. We're coming with her."

Nova looks to Sam, and then myself, and Cas. "Thanks, guys."

"Of course," Sam says.

We slowly walk outside, and there, Chandler stands at the foot of the porch steps. His eyes remain a cool shade of blue, similar in shade to Aubrey's. I see Jude, but older. Hopefully Jude grows to make better decisions than his father.

Nova steps forward slightly, Sam and Dean right behind her, standing side by side. I take my obligatory stance besides Dean, and I can feel the tension in the atmosphere.

"Nova. It's great to see you again," Chandler says, looking towards her.

Nova shakes her head. "What in the hell are you doing here, Chan?"

"I came to talk to you. I want to see Myla."

"You and I know that isn't going to happen."

"And why not?"

Sam speaks up. "You can't see her. That's it. Final. Finite. Better get back to Hell where you belong, Reid."

Chandler snaps his focus to Sam, who wears a look of annoyance and fury. Dean has called this look his "bitch" face before. But there's no resemblance to a female dog, just a really pissed off Sam.

"Sam, is that you? My god, look at you. You went and grew up! Look, I did, too. I had myself a family. Nova fell in love with me—"

"I was never in love with you, Chandler. And we know what you did."

"We know what you are. Which is why you will never see your children."

Chandler takes a step forward. Sam starts, and grabs Nova, pushing her behind him. But, to my surprise, she resists him.

"Sam? I got this."


"Sammy." She snaps.

He backs off, and Nova walks forward. Sam, however, remains battle-ready. Dean assumes the position.

"Sammy? Did you call him Sammy?" Chandler asks, sounding alarmed.

"Yeah. So?"

"I can't believe it, Winchester. You went and stole my wife from me! Just like you and Dean would steal everything from me when we were kids!"

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