4 - Trying to Make Sense of Everything

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Dean heads out for a few hours later after we sit down with Nova, discussing everything, catching up. Jody called to get some help on a search for the missing kid, James. I'm not sure what exactly possesses him to do so, but Dean shoots me a few looks, smiling at me while I shoot dirty looks at him from over the shoulder, hopefully out of Nova's sight.

"Nah, Sam, I need you to stay with her. I'm gonna go help Jody," he says.

"Uh. Alright. Fine," I say.

"See ya." Nova says. Dean reaches down to give her a hug, and then he shoots me a look again before darting out the door.

After a half hour of awkward silence and small talk, Nova turns to look at me.

"You okay?" I ask her. She nods.

"I just..." she trails off, and sniffs. I look into her eyes.

"Hey. I know we just met, but if you want to talk about it, I'm right here," I said. She smiles at that, and I feel a sense of pride.


She sighs, and adjusts herself from her position to become more comfortable. She wraps her arms around her largely pregnant stomach, and sighs.

"Honestly, Sam? I'm just...sick with worry. I had to watch my parents be ripped to shreds by vampires. I was seventeen. Now my baby, my little girl...she has to watch her father..."

I nod. "You're worried about how it's going to affect her."

"Yeah. Jenna's been giving me hourly updates since about 2 this morning because Aubrey was having a nightmare. She's...not herself. Already, she's changed so much."

"How so? What's different?" I ask her. I don't know anything about Aubrey, but I know I can get a small picture of my former best friend's little girl this way.

"She...she used to be so talkative, and lively, and curious. I guess she just...isolates herself from everyone. She cries whenever she has to talk to someone. Jen tried having me talk to her on the phone, but she wouldn't stop bawling. She's been laying in Jenna's bed, covered in the blankets. Jenna tried to take the kids to lunch. The busboy came by to refill their drinks, and he was just that—a boy. Aubrey screamed and hid under the sheets. Jenna had to get to-go bags and left. I'm just...I wish there was something. Anything. To help my baby. She—" Nova's crying again. "How is this going to affect her future? What is this going to do to her?"

"It would be so much better if she could just...forget." I say. I understand that feeling well. Multiple times over the course of my life, I have seen things, done things, that I wish I could just...black out. Completely redact from my mind.


"Wait." I say. It dawns on me. "What if there was a way? That she forgot?"

Nova cocks her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Remember how we were talking about our friend, Castiel? He's an angel. He can—"

"Angel? Like, feathers and everything?"


"What?" Nova says, apprehensively.

"Um. Yeah. Our best friend is an angel."

"That's adorable," she says.

I smile. "He has these...powers. He was the one who brought Dean back from Hell."

"What? When did this happen?"

I stop. "Uh. That was...years ago, really. But, anyway, he can also alter memories. He's done it before. He can modify Aubrey's memory. Make her forget what she saw."

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