Chapter 19

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I woke up to movement in the bed and I opened my eyes, looking around and saw Jungkook changing his clothes. I looked at the time and it said that it was 5:38am. I sat up causing Jungkook to look at me.

"I didn't mean to wake you baby." He said.

"I know you didn't mean to so don't worry about it Kookie." I assured him, while getting out of bed. I walked over to him and gave him a back hug.

"I'll miss you Kookie." I said, with my head on his back.

"I'll miss you too baby." He responded, turning around and hugging me. We stayed like that for a bit until he had to finish getting ready. We then walked to Y/D/N's room and Jungkook walked over to her then kissed her on top of her head. He then started walking out of the room then closed the door behind him.

He went back to our room and got the stuff he was taking with him then we walked downstairs. He put his stuff down beside the front door then walked to the living and we started watching TV until the others came and got him. We then heard a horn outside and Jungkook grabbed his stuff and kissed me on the lips then left. I stood at the door and waved at the others until they were out of my sight. I walked in then closed the door. I went upstairs and saw Y/D/N standing at the door to her room looking at me with tears in her eyes. I walked over to her and gave her a hug and she started crying.

"Where's daddy going mommy?" She asked, still crying.

"Daddy had to go on tour, but he'll be back sweetie." I said, while rubbing her back up and down.

"Can I sleep with you mommy?" She asked, with a pout on her face.

"Of course you can sweetie, come on." I said, holding her hand while walking into the bedroom. Y/D/N got in the bed and waited for me to get in. I soon got in bed and she cuddled up to me then we both fell asleep.

4 hours later

I woke up then looked at the time and it was 9:30am. So, I got out of bed and woke Y/D/N up so I can make her breakfast. I carried her downstairs to the kitchen and put her in the high chair while I made breakfast for the both of us. When I finished making the food, I put her plate in front of her and she started eating by herself. I then sat down beside her and started eating with her. After we ate, I grabbed the plates and walked to the sink to wash them. When I finished, I walked back to Y/D/N and picked her up then took her upstairs so I can change her clothes.

When I finished getting her dressed, I let her stay in her room to play with her toys and walked to my bedroom to change as well. Soon I finished getting dressed and grabbing my phone, then I walked back to her room and picked her up then started walking downstairs. I grabbed my keys and walked out of the house locking the door behind me. I walked to the car and opened the back door and put her in the car seat and buckled her up. When I finished, I closed the door and started walking to the driver's side door when I saw something move but shook if off as me being paranoid then got in the car and started the engine. I then started driving to the mall.

20 minutes later

I soon arrived at the mall, and I got out then went to the backdoor and got Y/D/N out then started heading inside. I went to the clothing store to get her more clothes.

"Mommy, look at that dress." She said, pointing at a purple dress. I walked over to it and grabbed it, I looked at Y/D/N to see a smile on her face.

"Do you want this dress sweetie?" I asked her.

"Yes I do mommy." She said, swinging her legs.

"Okay sweetie I'll get for you." I said, continuing to look for more clothes.

3 hours later

After spending 3 hours at the mall, I got everything I needed and walked out to my car. I put Y/D/N in her seat and put everything I bought in the trunk. I then got in the car and started the engine then left the mall to go home.

20 minutes later

We soon arrived home after listening to BTS on the radio. I got out of the car and walked to Y/D/N's door and got her out of her seat. She then ran to the front door while I was getting the bags. I then walked to the door and unlocked it then opening it. Y/D/N ran inside and went to the living room. I put the bags in a chair in the living room and sat down on the couch relaxing. Y/D/N was playing with the bunny Jungkook brought from the amusement park causing a smile to appear on my face. I turned the TV on then started watching TV. I then heard my phone go off and I got it out of my pocket and looked at it and saw a text from Jungkook.

Kookie❤️: Hey baby
Y/N: Hi Kookie
Kookie❤️: How are you and my little pumpkin doing??
Y/N: Well she cried after you left and then slept next to me but we're fine now after 3 hours of shopping
Kookie❤️: Awe she cried because I left?? And how was shopping??
Y/N: Yeah, she misses you and it was exhausting but fun
Kookie❤️: Tell her I miss her too and I'm glad you two had fun, also I'm going to call you
Y/N: Okay

The phone then started ringing and I answered it.

"Hey baby." Jungkook greeted.
"Hi Kookie." I greeted back.

"Is that daddy, mommy?" Y/D/N asked.

"Yes it sweetie." I responded, then she ran over to me.

"Hi daddy." She greeted him.
"Hello my little pumpkin, how are you treating mommy?" He asked.
"I'm treating her great, she bought me a purple dress today daddy."
"Oh really? Your mommy is going to have to send me a picture of it."
"I will Kookie." I said.
"Daddy has to go now, okay? Behave for mommy pumpkin." Jungkook said.
"Okay, bye daddy." She said.
"Bye Jungkook." I said, smiling at Y/D/N.
"Bye you two pretty ladies." He said, before hanging up.

I then started watching TV with Y/D/N on my lap watching with me.

5 hours later

I looked at the time and it was time for dinner. I looked down and saw her asleep, I shook her awake and she opened her eyes looking at me.

"Do you want your dinner or do you want to go to bed?" I asked her.

"I want to go to bed mommy." She said, before closing her eyes again. I smiled while I took her to the room to change her into her pajamas and put her in the bed. I knew she'll want to sleep next to me. I then changed into my pajamas, then plugged my phone up and turned off the lights. I then laid down in the bed and she cuddled up to me and we both fell asleep.
What did she see moving?? What do you think it was??

I decided to do a double update for you beautiful people.

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