Chapter 24

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Jungkook's POV:

We were on tour at Japan. We were in the dressing room to get ready for the performance. While the stylist was putting makeup on me, I decided to text Y/N.

Kookie💘: Hey baby
Y/N: Hi Kookie
Kookie💘: How are doing??
Y/N: I'm fine, aren't you supposed to be performing??
Kookie💘: We're still getting ready
Y/N: Oh, okay
Kookie💘: I wish you and Y/D/N could have came with us
Y/N: We wish we could've gone too but don't worry, you'll see us when you get back from tour
Kookie💘: I know but that's too long 😞😞
Y/N: I know it is but it'll be done before you know it, you just have to wait 3 more months
Kookie💘: I hope so because I want to see my two beautiful ladies
Y/N: Awe we think you're beautiful too Kookie
Kookie💘: You're going to make me go onstage with a blushing face, stob it
Y/N: That was my plan 🤣🤣 and I gotta go and do something
Kookie💘: I hate you, okay bye
Y/N: I love you too, bye Kookie

After I finished texting Y/N, the stylists were done with our makeup and it was time for us to go onstage. So we walked out of the dressing room and started walking to the stage. We then walked on the stage and started performing.


After I got off the phone with Jungkook, I took Y/D/N to the doctor's since she wasn't feeling good. I put her in the car and buckled her up then I got in and started the car after buckling up. I then started driving to the doctor while Y/D/N was sleeping in her seat.

"I hope you don't have the flu or the stomach bug." I said, in my head.

20 minutes later

Once we arrived at the doctor, I turned the car off and got out. I walked to her door and opened it then taking her out of the car and carrying her inside. I walked up to the receptionist and checked in. I then sat down with Y/D/N on my lap. I then felt her moving around and I looked at her when she opened her eyes.

"Where are we mommy?" She asked me, rubbing her eyes.

"We're at the doctor's sweetie." I told her.

"My stomach hurts mommy." She said, hugging me.

"I know it does, that's why I brought you to the doctor so they can find out what's wrong." I said, before a door opened.

"Jeon Y/D/N." The nurse called. I then stood up and Y/D/N grabbed onto my hand and we started following the nurse. We were soon taken to a room and I put her on the exam table and we waited for the doctor.

5 minutes later

The door then opened revealing a man in a white coat. He then sat down and looked at us with a smile.

"So what brings you two here?" He asked.

"She's having a stomach ache." I told him.

"Did she eat anything today?"

"Yes she did."

"What did she eat?"

"She ate eggs and sausage with a cup of milk."

"Is this the first time you gave her milk?"

"I think so."

"She could be lactose intolerant."

"So she can't have anything that has milk in it?"

"Yes ma'am, if you think something contains milk, look at the ingredients."


"Is there a way you can test to see if she is lactose intolerant?"

"We can take a blood sample and prick your daughters skin and put milk on it to see if she reacts to it."


"I'm going to get some milk and a needle." He said, walking out of the room.

"Mommy, what does he mean by prick my skin?" Y/D/N asked me.

"It means to open the skin a little bit." I told her.

"Please don't let him do that to me." She said, with tears in her eyes.

"Sweetie, they're not cutting your arm open, they're just going to use a little needle to puncture the skin so the milk can get inside."

"Can I sit on your lap when he does it?"

"Of course sweetie." I said, standing up then getting the table and putting her on my lap. The door then opened and the doctor walked inside and walked to the gloves to put some on. He then walked over to us and opened the needle.

"You're going to feel a little sting in you arm, okay?" The doctor told her.

"Okay." She said, grabbing my hand. He then put the needle in her arm and started taking some of the blood to test then removed it. Y/D/N screamed a little and started squeezing my hand. He then put some milk where the needle was and sent the blood sample to get tested. He then waited for the milk to do what it needs to do.

2 minutes later

After two minutes, her arm started swelling up a little bit. The doctor then quickly removed the rest of the milk off her skin then threw it away.

"She does have a milk allergy, so don't give her anymore dairy products." The doctor told me.

"Okay, thank you so much." I thanked him.

"No problem it's what I'm here for, and you're a strong girl for letting me prick you with a needle." He said, giving her a lollipop. The doctor then left and with us following. I then paid what I needed to and left. I put Y/D/N in her seat then got into the car. I started the car and started heading home.

20 minutes later

We finally got home so I got out of the car and walked over to Y/D/N's door and opened it. She then got out and went to the front door and waited for me. I unlocked the door and she went upstairs then walked into her room. The phone then started ringing. I picked it up without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello." I answered.
"Hey baby." Jungkook greeted.
"Hi Kookie."
"How the two most beautiful ladies doing?"
"Good and I have to tell you something."
"What is it?"
"Y/D/N is allergic to milk."
"She is?"
"My poor pumpkin but I have news to tell you."
"We're coming home early."
"Really? Why?"
"Yoongi Hyung got the flu."
"Oh when are you supposed to get back?"
"In about five or six hours."
"Okay I better put Y/D/N to bed."
"Okay, I'll see you when I get back."
"Alright, love you Kookie."
"Love you too baby." Jungkook said, before hanging up.

After I got off the phone, I went upstairs to Y/D/N's room and saw her already changed into her pajamas and laying in her bed. I walked over to her and kissed the top of her head and turned on the night light. I then walked out after turning off the light and went into mine and Jungkook's bedroom to get ready for bed. After changing my clothes, I plugged my phone up and turned off the light then laid down in the bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep thinking about Jungkook.

5 hours later

I woke up to the bed moving and I opened my eyes and saw Jungkook smiling at me.

"I didn't mean to wake you baby." He said.

"It's alright Kookie." I said, cuddling up to him. We then fell asleep while cuddling with each other.

I'm sorry for taking forever to update, I still love all you lovelies.

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