Chapter 42

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Namjoon's POV:

Me and Yoongi was walking to a store that sold weapons for us to use when my phone started ringing. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and answered it without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I answered.
"Don't try to find me or else something could happen." The voice said, before hanging up.

"Who called you?" Yoongi Hyung asked me.

"I think it was Eunwoo." I answered him.

"What did he say?"

"He said don't try to find me or else something could happen."

"He must know we're looking for him."

"Do you think the police will be able to track the number?" I asked him.

"I think they can, let's go to the police station and see if they can." Yoongi Hyung said, starting to walk in the direction of the police station.

15 minutes later

We soon arrived to the station and we walked inside. We then walked to the person at the front desk.

"Excuse me but can we talk to a detective please?" Yoongi Hyung asked her.

"Why may I ask?" She asked.

"I got a phone call from a number and the person said don't try to find me or else something could happen." I told her.

"Are you sure it wasn't friend?" She asked me.

"Can we just speak to a detective about this?" Yoongi asked, frustration evident in his voice.

"I can handle this." Someone said, walking to the front desk.

"Who are you?" Yoongi asked him.

"I'm Detective Read." He introduced himself.

"I'm Namjoon and this is Yoongi." I introduced us.

"You two follow me to my office." He said, turning around and started walking away. We followed him until we got in front of a door. He opened it then we sat down across from his desk while he sat on the other side.

"So, what seems to be the problem?" He asked us.

"I got a call from someone and he said don't try to find me or else something could happen." I told him.

"Do you have any idea who it could be?"

"Yes we do sir, we believe it's Eunwoo." I answered.

"The man that kidnapped Mrs. Y/L/N (Your Last Name)?" He asked.

"Yes that's the one." Yoongi said.

"Can I borrow your phone for a second so I can see if we can trace where the call came from?" He asked me.

"Yeah, here you go." I said, handing him my phone.

"I'll be right back." He said, walking out of the room closing the door behind him.

"Hyung, do you think they'll find out where he is?" I asked Yoongi Hyung.

"I hope so." He answered me.

10 minutes later

The detective walked back into the room and sat down at his desk after giving me back my phone. He looked up at us and gave us a sympathetic look.

"Were you able to trace it?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry we couldn't." He told us.

"Why?" Yoongi Hyung asked.

"He was using a burn phone, which means we can't trace him." He told us.

We didn't say anything just looked down.

"Do you have any idea where he could've taken her?" He asked us.

"Me and my friend found an address in the bathroom and Yoongi Hyung looked it up and it said it was in the US." I told him.

"I'm going to call the officers over there and tell them that he's most likely there, do you know what state it's in?"

"I think it said New York." Yoongi Hyung told him.

"Okay, I'll call them and tell them what you told me." He said, standing up.

"Okay thank you detective." I thanked him, standing up with Yoongi. We walked out of the station and started walking.

"Wait, Hyung." I started talking.

"What is it Namjoon?" He asked me, turning around.

"We won't be able to get them past the airport security, so don't you think we should wait until we're in the US?" I said.

"You're right, we should wait to get them when we get to the states." He said, turning back around and started walking back to the hotel.

15 minutes later

When we got back to the hotel, we walked inside and went to the elevator. We pushed the button to the floor we live on and waited for it to get to our floor. After the elevator stopped, we walked out and went to Hyungs room. He unlocked the door and we walked inside seeing Jungkook sleeping with Y/S/N on his chest and Y/D/N laying on J-Hope's chest.

"I'm going to head back to my room now Hyung." I whispered to Yoongi Hyung.

"Okay Namjoon." He said.

"Bye Hyung." I said, walking out of the room.

Yoongi's POV:

After Namjoon left, I walked to the kitchen and started cooking dinner for all of us. When I finished, I walked into the living room and woke them all up. We then started eating our dinner.

10 minutes later

J-Hope left to go back to his room and I went into my bedroom to change into my pajamas. After changing, I went back into the living room and laid down on the couch, falling asleep.

Jungkook's POV:

I tucked in the Y/D/N in the bed and Y/S/N in his crib in the bedroom, I then walked into the living room seeing Yoongi Hyung sleeping on the couch. I grabbed a blanket and put it over him then went to change into my pajamas. I then laid down in the bed next Y/D/N and closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

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