Chapter 23

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I woke up to my phone ringing, so I got out of bed and grabbed my phone and answered it.

"Hello." I answered.
"Hey baby." Jungkook greeted me.
"Hi Kookie." I greeted back.
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm feeling better, don't worry."
"I can't help but worry, I don't want my baby feeling sick."
"I know you don't but I'm fine."
"Okay, and the members told me to tell you that they said hi."
"Tell them I said hello."
"Okay I will and I gotta go now."
"Okay, love you Kookie."
"Love you too baby, bye."
"Bye." I said, before hanging up.

After I hung up the phone, I went to Y/D/N's room to take her downstairs to make her breakfast. When I walked into her room, she was smiling at me causing me to smile back at her. I got her out of the bed and put her on the floor. We then started heading to the kitchen. Once we got to the kitchen, she climbed up on the chair and waited for her food. I got the ingredients that I need to make pancakes and started to cook.

10 minutes later

When I finally finished cooking the pancakes, I put them on two plates and gave a plate to her then I sat down next to her. I cut up her pancakes into bite size so she can eat it, then I started eating mine while me and her talked. We finished eating, so I grabbed the plates and took them to the sink then started washing them. When I finished the dishes, I walked to the living room and saw Y/D/N playing with her toys. I then sat down on the couch and turned on the TV and started watching
Y/F/S (Your Favorite Show).

20 minutes later

While I was watching TV, I heard the doorbell. So, I got up and walked to the door, opening it revealing Jackson and Yugyeom.

"Hey Y/N." Yugyeom greeted me, when I let them in.

"Hi Yugyeom, hi Jackson." I greeted them. We then walked to the living room and started playing video games with Y/D/N. She kept beating us, causing her to laugh at us.

"She is good at playing games, dang." Yugyeom stated.

"Well, she is Jungkook's daughter what did you expect?" Jackson said.

"True." Yugyeom said, sitting back into the couch.

"Are you guys hungry? I can order pizza for all of us." I asked them.

"Okay, thank you Y/N." They thanked me. I then grabbed my phone and dialled the pizza place. Once I ordered, we started playing more games while waiting for the food to arrive.

10 minutes later

We then heard the doorbell and before I could get up, Jackson bolted to the door and paid for the pizza. He then came back with the box and put it down on the coffee table.

"I was going to pay for the pizza." I told Jackson.

"I got to it first, so I paid for it." He stated. We then started eating he pizza while talking and laughing. We soon finished eating and Jackson and Yugyeom cleaned everything up causing me to smile. They then came back and sat down and stared at me.

"Why are you two staring at me like that?" I asked them, looking confused.

"We're admiring your beauty." Jackson said. I started to just ignore them and started playing with Y/D/N by playing with her toys. They then joined in and we were all laughing while playing.

6 hours later

Jackson looked at the time and him and Yugyeom stood up and started walking to the door.

"We better head back to the dorm, but it was fun playing with you two." Jackson said.

"We had fun too and thanks for coming over to hang out with us." I thanked them.

"We'll always come over to hang out with you anytime, well see you later." Yugyeom said, before they walked out of the house. I then started walking Y/D/N to her room so I can tuck her into her bed. Once she was laying down, I turned her night light on and closed the door. I then started walking to mine and Jungkook's room and plugged my phone up then laid down in bed. I closed my eyes then fell asleep while thinking about Jungkook.

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