Chapter 35

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We walked out of the hotel and got into two separate taxis. We told the driver where to take us and he started driving.

"Jungkook, I'm scared. What if he takes me again?" I asked, cuddling into him.

"We won't let that happen baby." He said, wrapping his arms around me. We soon pulled up in front of the police station and got out of the taxi. Jungkook paid then we walked inside. When we walked in, we went to the counter.

"Excuse me, we need to talk to a detective please." Jungkook said.

"Why may I ask?" The receptionist asked.

"Someone is following my wife and we found a camera in our bedroom." He told her.

"Okay sir, I'll see if a detective is available." She said, picking up the phone and pushing numbers. I wrapped my arms around Jungkook and put my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his right arm around me when the receptionist hung up the phone.

"A detective is coming here to get you." She said, when a man that looked around his 40s.

"Are you two the ones that needed to talk to me?" He asked us.

"Yes we are sir." Jungkook answered.

"Okay, follow me." He said, turning around.

"We'll be right back Hyungs." Jungkook said, as we walked away and followed the detective. We soon stopped in front of a door and the detective open it then we walked inside.

"Take a seat." The detective told us. We then took a seat in the chairs across from his desk.

"What can I do for you two?" He asked us.

"There's someone following my wife and we found a camera in our bedroom." Jungkook told him.

"Do you know who is following her?"

"Yes I do, his name is Eunwoo." Jungkook told him.

"Has he done anything to her like hit her or anything?"

"Yes, he kidnapped her, raped her and she has a scar on her arm with his name."

"Can I see the scar?" The detective asked me.

"Yes sir." I said, rolling up my sleeve and showed him the scar. The detective looked at my arm and then leaned back.

"Okay we'll have an officer or two around her to keep her safe until we can catch him." The detective said.

"Okay, thank you sir." Jungkook thanked him.

"Where are you staying at?" He asked us.

"At the Belmond Cadogan Hotel." Jungkook told him.

"Okay, what room number?"

"Room 20." Jungkook said.

"Okay, I'll send a couple officers over to keep an out." The detective said, standing up. We then left the office and left the station with the rest of BTS following behind. We went back to the hotel and went to our rooms. When me and Jungkook walked in, I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Jungkook's POV:

I was going around the room looking for any other cameras and I came to the bathroom. I walked inside scaring Y/N by accident.

"Kookie what are you doing?" She asked me.

"Looking to see if there's anymore cameras." I answered.

"Oh okay." She responded, going back to taking a shower. Once I looked around the bathroom and didn't find any cameras here, I walked out giving her privacy. I went to the living room and sat down. I was lost in thought when I heard the doorbell. I stood up, walking to the door to open it. When I opened it, I saw Jin Hyung.

"Hi Hyung." I said, letting him in.

"Hello Jungkook." He said, smiling.

"What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see how you two are doing."

"I wish I could say that everything is fine but you'll know I'm lying."

"I'm wondering how he found out that she came here."

"We all are Hyung."

"Where's Y/N at?"

"She's in the shower."

"Oh okay." He said, when I heard a scream. I widened my eyes and ran to the bathroom. I tried to open the door but it seems like it was locked.

"Y/N, are you okay?!" I yelled, slamming my shoulder into the door. I didn't hear an answer causing me to slam my shoulder into the door harder. Soon the door busted open and I went to the shower and opened the door. I didn't see her in the shower and I started panicking.

"Where is she?!" I yelled out.

"Are you sure she was in the bathroom?" Jin Hyung asked me.

"Yes I'm sure, I came out of here a couple minutes before you came."

"Excuse my language but shit."

"How did he get past us?" I said, sitting on the floor.

"I don't know Jungkook, I wish I did." He said, rubbing my back. I started crying and Jin Hyung pulled me into his embrace.

"We'll find her Jungkook." He told me. Everything then went black and I fell asleep.

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