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Only the taping of his black boots on the old pavement of the office was heard. The silence was deafening and Jungkook was waiting nervously with his eyes glued to the phone , waiting for it to light up, just a call telling that the shipment was done successfully. He was tapping his feet in a quick rhythm, showing that his anger was rising.

"Be patient man, everything will be alright." His right hand advised. It was easy to say encouraging words when you don't have any responsibility, Jungkook almost vented to him. It was him who was risking everything with this order, it was him who would be praised if it went right and blamed if it went wrong. He was the head of the cartel, he was the leader and it was his duty to do anything that benefits The Underworld.

"I'm impatient when it comes to my money." Jungkook growled loudly enough to scare even the people on the street. He was seething with anger. When it comes to business he is ruthless and wants everything done perfectly.
It was rarely that he loses his temper like that but when he does, better no one crosses his road. The drug shipment should have arrived one hour ago but it has passed almost two hours and the shipment was nowhere near where it must be.

In two years since he became The Don of Busan Mafia, this was the most important shipment that he has ever done being the boss. After his father's death he had to become the new Don of The Underworld. At twenty five he had to take the business from where his father let it.

In two years he had won respect from other dons who had good relationship with his dad and had implied fear to them who were against him.

This was the time to prove to everyone , alley or enemy, that he was powerful. The most powerful don above all but it hadn't go like he planned, his package had been attacked and if he didn't sort this out, he soon would become a target of other mafias. It would look like he was a weak mob boss who wasn't able to protect his own business.

And here now his buddy, his brother not by blood, was telling him to be patient and to stay calm when the attackers were having a laugh at his expenses. And that made him lose his mind.

"But we have to wait and ...."

"Stop talking bullshit Jimin. Someone has made a move on us and you tell me to wait. How can I wait when some motherfucker dared to mess with me?! I swear when I find that son of a bitch I will make him suffer a slow death." Jungkook was pacing through the small dark office which he had on one of the biggest night clubs he owned.
It was a scheduled place, on the basement where business was discussed, business like deals, shipments and money. He was not into expanding the clubbing business, it was just a cover for what he really was into, but a profitable one.

"It's been a while since someone dared to put their hands on our package. Everyone knows not to mess with The underworld, maybe it's just a robbery and they have no idea who is in charge of the shipment." Jimin tried to calm down his boss's fury but it resulted useless.

"I will kill whoever the fuck is behind this." Jungkook yelled louder this time, punching the wall with all his force, not caring about the blood dripping from his knuckles.

"You need to calm down boss, everything is going to be alright. Do you want to bring one of the girls to take your mind from the business for a while?" Jimmin suggested to his furious mob but it wasn't what Jungkook wanted to hear at the moment. It made his anger worse.

"Shut the fuck up Jimin. I don't need a whore , I am not a hormonal teenager to use sex to distract me. Go tell the IT guy, to track the ship." Was his last order, Motioning with his bloody hand to the door, and Jimin followed his order without complaint.

Lost in his thoughts, the loud ringing of one of his phones brought him back to earth. Hurriedly he accepted the call that would announce his success or would ruin his future.

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