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"For how long are you going to stand there staring?" Taehyung said to his sister who had been sitting in the garden for more than an hour, her eyes were fixed into the beautifully planted roses.

"You scared me." She whispered.

"Don't stress out Jade. It's not good for the baby." He said sitting next to her into the wooden stool.

It was more than two weeks from that night when she saw for the last time her husband. The baby growing inside her reminded Jade of him more. There wasn't a day when she wouldn't think what Jungkook was doing or how was he feeling. Did he felt the same heartache as her?

Now she had been wondering how Jungkook would react when he learns that he will be a father.

"It's time to stop this mourning session." Taehyung spoke strictly. He wanted to make her happier, he couldn't stand lookin at his siters sad eyes. Partly feeing guilty about this miserable state his sister was but he wanted the best for her and the best wasn't Jungkook.

"I'm not mourning." Jade said in a faint voice. She had been living like a dead body this past two weeks. For her baby's sake she had forced food down her stomach, her baby was keeping her alive.

"If you say so. Why don't you come with me tonight?" He smiled to her.

"Come where?" She asked, knowing that she wasn't going anywhere.

"There's a charity ball organized every year and I need someone to accompany me."

"I'm not in mood for a ball Taehyung." Jade avoided his invitation.

"You will come, even if it is just for a while, we will leave whenever you want." He pleaded to her.

"Fine." Jade said with a small voice. She didn't want to go anywhere, she preferred the quietness of her room where she stayed all day thinking about her husband and her baby. She imagined how it would be if they met like normal people, fall in love with each other, marrry and then have children but unfortunately the real life wasn't like that.

Jade decided to go to that ball tonight just to please her brother. Would Jungkook be there too? She hoped not, because couldn't stand to look at him with another women by his side.

"I have left the dress you are wearing tonight on your bedroom." Taehyung stopped her thoughts.

"But...how did you know I was going to accept?" For the first time in the last weeks Jade smiled slightly.

"I have good convincing skills." He laughed messing her hair.

Taehyung had been the perfect brother; caring for her, spending time together, also he had taken her shopping one day and Jade had bought some things for herself and for the baby. He was far from a mob boss, in her presence he was only her brother, Taehyung. She was left out from his mafia affairs, just like Jungkook had done.

"Let's get go. That nephew of mine needs some nutrition."

"What if it's a girl ?" Jade laughed.

"We are going to feed her anyway." Taehyung joked.


The calssical music playing on the background, the loud chattering and people glancing at her like she was abnormal, madeJade regret her decision about coming here tonight.

Her brother stopped at a group of man and women, who stopped talking when they joined. Taehyung made the necessary introductions and they started to talk bussines.

How ironic that mafia bosses held a charity ball when all they did was kill and make money from other's people misery by selling drugs.

Jade stood silent like other women present there and she understood how a women was treated into mafia. They were nothing but a mannequin who had no rights, just one mission to complete, pleasing them.

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