Princess AU

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This story takes place in the 1200s.
E/c = eye color
Niall's POV

My wife queen y/n was currently laying in bed. She has a spell casted on her that I still haven't figured out how to break it. I was sitting beside her stroking her brown hair. I planted a kiss on her forehead. "I love you y/n. Please wake up." I said. Our little girl Aubrey walked into the room fully dressed. "Good morning daddy" she said. "Morning princess" I greeted back. "Is mummy going to wake up, daddy?" "Yeah princess. We just have to wait. "But I want to talk to mummy" she pouted. "I know baby. I'm sorry" she was a massive mummy's girl. "King Niall! King Niall!" A guard shouted as he burst into the door. "What? What happened?" I asked standing up. "Daddy? What's going on?" Aubrey asked. "Nothing Aubrey. Go to your room ok?" I said, "ok daddy" she said as she got out. "We found someone who could tell us how to break queen y/n's spell and who casted it on her." He said. "What?! who?!" I asked. "A farmer. He said he will tell us on one condition. He needs gold. Pure gold." "Bring me this farmer" I demanded. He stomped his foot on the ground. "As you wish your majesty" he said and walked out the door. I went to a room where I keep all my gold and money in. I got a piece of gold and went out.
I sat on my chair and waited for the guards to bring the farmer. I was a guard walking in holding the farmer's arm from his elbow. "Your majesty" the farmer bowed. "Tell me how to break the spell to get the gold." I demanded. "As you wish your majesty. There is queen y/n's ex-boyfriend, king Alex. He casted it on her. The only way to break it is for her to drink one ounce of his blood. You also need to kill him with the sword of destiny. It can only be done by you your majesty. Her true love." He explained. "Okay. Thank you so much. Give him the gold piece" I told the guard. The farmer kissed it and held it out like a trophy. "Any time your majesty" the farmer said and walked out.
The next day, I got dressed in my war suit. I saw Aubrey pouting. "What's wrong princess?" I asked. "You going to war again daddy?" She asked still pouting. "No babygirl. I'll come back today also!" "Yay!" She said and ran away to play in the castle's yard. I chuckled and went out to get the sword of destiny from the the top of the mountain of the sun. It was hard. I had to cross the fire valley without uttering a word, cross the ice ocean without shivering once, and climb the steep mountain of the sun. Once I got up, I found the sword of destiny between two rocks. I rubbed my hands together and took it out with all force. Once I pulled it out, It glowed, floated in the air, and magically gave me war clothes from diamonds. It came back into my hand and I looked at it. It gave me the directions to that bastard's castle.
Once I got there, I opened the doors and got in. I found him sitting in a chair eating an apple. "Well, well, well.(hehe)If it isn't Niall." "It's king Niall to you." I said harshly and he threw his hands in the air. "Don't even challenge me, Horan! You know for a fact that I can beat you." "Shut the fuck up and tell me why you casted that spell on my wife." I demanded. "Because She should be with me not you!" "You fucker" I growled as I tackled him. He punched me and I punched back. I tried avoiding every song hit. Then, I got my sword out and pushed it all the way in his heart. I pulled the sword out, poured the blood in a one ounce container, and then walked out satisfied with my work.
I went in the castle, took a shower, and then went out to be met with my daughter. "Daddy?" "Yeah babydoll?" "I love you" she said cutely. "And I love you more baby!" I said.
I walked into mine and y/n's bedroom. I got the one ounce container out my pocket and and opened y/n's mouth. K sighed. This is it. I'm going to get my wife back now. I poured it in. I waited a few minutes and then was met by the most beautiful e/c eyes. "Y/n? Oh my gosh baby I've missed you!" I exclaimed as I pulled her into a hug. "Mummy? Mummy!" Aubrey shouted as she ran to the bed and climbed on it. She hugged y/n tightly and said "I missed you so much mummy." "I missed you more baby. So much." "Babydoll? Can you leave me and mummy alone please?" "Ok" she said and walked out. "Tell me everything starting from scratch." I said as I cuddled her. "Well... on a rainy night, Alex came into the room and started laughing evilly. He pulled out a liquid and poured it on me. I couldn't scream because I was too scared." "That bastard" I mumbled. "But don't worry. I killed him." "Really Ni? Oh my god thank you so much! She exclaimed as she hugged me. "Can you walk?" I asked. "I think so." She said as she got up and started walking. I took her hand in mine and went to the balcony. She leaned on the railing and I wrapped my hands around her waist from behind as I rested my chin on her shoulder. "I love you" "I love you too Ni" She said and I turned her around to kiss her. I put my lips on her's and they started moving in sync. I wrapped a hand around her waist and put one on her cheek as I pulled her body closer. As the kiss got more heated, she pulled away panting and I put my forehead on hers smiling as I pecked her lips. "But I still love you morel I said.

1142 words

Hello guys! Ik ik I said no ans, but a lot of people have been sending me messages asking me how my imagines look short but they're actually long. It's because I don't press return two times, or a lot actually. I don't like it when people try to make their imagines look long by pressing the return button two/three times. I didn't wanna be one of those people. I don't care if my Imagine is short as long as it's meaningful.

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