You're the only girl in the band and help Zayn's Best Friend

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Sry for the long title 😂 k so I'm gonna stop writing authors notes
at the end ;) maybe some little one but yeah I'll stop (((((:
Sooooo imma try and make this funny 😁 ya know, and you're Louis's
cousin in this and Niall's girlfriend. And don't forget the sass runs in
the family (((((; soo yeah! And btw I'm planning on going on holiday bc
ya know;) it's summer! I will do an author's note and tell you when I'm
going :))) sooo Yeah.....
Sorry that was long 😂 anyways keep reading....

YOuR pOv

Zayn's best friend from childhood, Hannah, was coming over to stay for the week. The girl was depressed because her parents were always fighting, so Zayn came and asked us if she could stay. Of course, being the good friends we are, we agreed on letting her stay. Now it has been 3 days, and me and her were already best friends.My cousin, Louis, and I were currently up at 9:00 a.m. arguing over a tomato. I think it's a fruit and he thinks it's a vegetable.Later, my boyfriend Niall, intervened into the conversation with Liam. "Louis it's clearly a fruit!" I argued with my cousin. "No y/n! It's not! A tomato is clearly a vegetable!" Louis argued back.
"I agree with y/n on that. It's a fruit." Liam said. "Ha!" "Well I'm on Louis's team because I know it's a vegetable."Niall said. "It's not! Plus, you're my boyfriend! You should be on my side!" He shrugged. "Sorry love! But it's a vegetable" and we continued to argue again.

Hannah's pOv

I woke up and went downstairs. As I went down the stairs, I saw y/n, Liam, Louis, and Niall arguing. "Louis it's clearly a fruit!" Y/n argued with her cousin. "No y/n! A tomato is clearly a vegetable!" Louis argued back. I chuckled at their silliness and about how they argue about the stupidest things. "I agree with y/n on that. It's a fruit." Liam said. "Ha!" "Well I'm on Louis's team because I know it's a vegetable." Niall said. "It's not! Plus,you're my boyfriend! You should be on my side!" He shrugged. "Sorry love! But it's a vegetable" and they continued to argue again.
"Silly aren't they?" Zayn said as he stood behind me. I chuckled and nodded. "Good morning everybody!" Zayn greeted. "Hey! Hey Hannah, is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?" Y/n asked. "Uhmmm....." I was speechless. But I think I'm going to stay on y/n's side. "Look, Hannah needs to choose one of our answers. The one who loses,needs to be carried to the roof top and stay there for 30 minutes!" Y/n said. "And how do we get back?" Louis sassed. "I don't know, take a bus."
Y/n sassed back. I chuckled. I guess the sass really runs in the family. "Hannah?" Louis asked with puppy eyes, wanting me to choosehis answer. "Yeah! Hannah? You can't let your best friend down!" Y/n said. "Oi! I thought I was your best friend!" Zayn shouted at me. "Well... you're my best guy friend and y/n I'd my best female friend" I said and he pouted but then shook it off.
"Y/n you're such a drama queen!" Louis said. "Am not!" She argued. "Are too!" Louis argued back. "Alright Alright! I think a tomato is a fruit!" I said.
"What?!" Louis shouted as he was going to jump on me, buy Zayn backed him off. "Oi! Touch her again, and I'll break your arm Tomlinson!" Zayn said.
Louis threw his arms up In defense. "Sorry mate!"
And Louis went up on the roof and came back freezing as it was December. Y/n is in big, big trouble.
"Fuck you y/n! You're the worst cousin ever!" Louis shouted. "Oi! Don't talk to my girlfriend like that tommo!" Niall said as he put an arm around y/n and pulled her into a pretty heated kiss. After they were done.... snogging, y/n said: "Yeah Louis! I'm your cousin. Your dad's brother"s daughter!" Y/n said dramatically. "Drama queen" Louis mumbled and Niall smacked him on the head.
Right now it was 8:30 p.m. and y/n and I are in her bedroom. "I really enjoy staying here to be honest" I said.
"You guys cheer me up on mu bad days" I added. "Aww! If you really like it then move in with us." Y/n said. My eyes widened. "Are you serious?" I asked still in shock of what I just heard. 1/6 member of 1D is asking me to move in. Holy shit. "Yah" "O MY GOD! OF COURSE! YES!" I screamed. Then Zayn stormed into the room panicking. "VAS HAPPENING?!? ARE THE VAMPIRES TRYING TO CONVINCE MY BFF TO DATE THEM BY RAPING HER?!?" He screamed. "Ohmygod" Y/n laughed. "Ya really need to stop watching those vampire movies ZayniePoo" y/n said. "Shut up" he mumbled before leaving. "Ok I need to go to bed. Goodnight bestie!" I said. Y/n chuckled. "Goodnight Hannah." She said before I left the room and went to
sleep myself.

Next morning......

The next morning I found y/n and Louis arguing again, but this time, on a game of scrabble as all the boys including Zayn were surrounding them. Harry and and Zayn were on Louis's team and Liam and Niall were on y/n's team. Zayn spotted me and patted the spot next to him. I went over. "No! Louis 'fabulous" is spelled as 'f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s' not 'f-a-b-u-l-o-u-i-s'!" Y/n said. "Oh come on! It's clearly spelled like this!" Louis fired back. "No!" Y/n said pinning him to the ground as they started to wrestle. A wrestling thing turned into silly strings, them water guns, then food fight, and the list goes on.I love these people. Especially y/n. I'm so close with her, I feel like she's the best sister I never had. But I got to admit, I like harry. Like, like him.
No! Scratch that! I love him. I need to tell y/n. "Oh my god!" She squealed as I told her about Harry. "Ya know, I think he likes you too. Niall told me that Harry has taken a little liking to you. He'll, he has been stalking you on all your social media's! He likes you Hannah! No wonder he's on his phone all the time!" Y/n added. "You really think so?" I asked. "No I don't think so. I know so!" She smiled. Maybe she was right. Maybe Harry really did like me.

Three years later....
This is it. Today I'm gonna marry the love of my life. Harry. Y/n and Niall got married 3 months ago and I was really happy for them. They were so cute!
"Oh my god girl! Ahhhh you look amazing!" Y/n squealed. "You mean amazayn?" Zayn asked as he poked his head through the door. "Zayn, I'm not going to-" "oh come on! Pleeeeaaaassseeeee" zayn gave her his best puppy eyes. "Ugh fine! You look amazayn Hannah! Harry definitely wants that dress off of you after the reception!" Y/n said and I slapped her arm. "Obviously!" I said in a 'duh' tone.
After wedding.... reception;
It was y/n's and Louis's turn to speak as they decided to speak together. Oh gosh. This is gonna be embarrassing.
"Hello everyone! We are the TOMMO cousins, and we're here to speak about one topic! Which is:" y/n said as she turned to Louis. "Sex" he completed as harry and I palm-faced. "Yeah! That's it. Now, I don't think, but I know that these two love each other. They are both not using each other for sexual pleasure are they? No! And these people are literally not the couple that
after a week of marriage, they'll be shouting at each other saying 'screw you'" y/n said making everybody laugh. "Yeah that would never happen even in your dreams people because these two are couple goals." Louis added. "Yeah I can still remember Hannah telling me she likes harry more than a friend. Jesus, that was amazing! I shipped them from the start!" Y/n said. "Yeah and we wish you two the merriest marriage of all, from your bestest friends in the world, TOMMO cousins. TOMMO cousins, out" y/n and Louis aid in sync and we chuckled at their silliness. Harry intertwined his fingers with mine. "I love you kitten" he said. "I love you too haz" the reception was stopped because y/n and Louis decided that it was a good idea to bring their silly strings and spraying the people with it. We all thought it was stupid, but y/n and Louis high-fived each other with big grins on their faces. "Oh come on! It was boring! We needed something fun!" Y/n said. "Yeah!" Louis agreed. "You guys are terrible! No silly strings for two months!" Liam shouted before he stormed into the bedroom. "And he says he isnt the daddy" they mumbled as they went to bed. "Ok guys! I think you should go to the hotel know! Don't have too much fun!" Niall winked as he went to sleep himself.As Harry carried me to the hotel bedroom, he began undressing me and the rest was history.

Phew! Long one for y'all! K I know I said no more ans, but this one kind of turned out as a love story between Harry and Hannah. Do you guys ship it?

-Mouni <3

1622 words

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