Youre divorced and meet again(1)

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You and Niall have been divorced for around a year now. Things just didn't work out for you. You were fighting all the time and some arguments would end with Niall storming out of the house.
You hate to admit it, but you still love him. How couldn't you? You were sure he didn't feel the same way though. For all you know, he may have moved on and have a girlfriend. You couldn't bring yourself to move on though.
Something told you it wasn't right. You shake the thought off and glacé quickly at you two children you had with Niall, of course. You had twins. Addison and Aiden.
They were turning 4 this year. All they wanted was for Niall to be at their birthday party. They were both devastated when they found out about you and Niall. They loved Niall with all their heart and they didn't want to grow up without him around to support and love them both.
You were currently walking around town with them both.
"Ooh Mummy can we go into start I ks?" Addison asks, putting a finger up to point towards it.
"Of course Ady. Come on let's go" you say leading the twins.
Aiden let out a groan, "j hate Starbucks" he pouts.
You chuckle slightly. "It's fine Rory. Come on"
He groans once more, but agrees.
Just as you finish ordering,  you turn around and bump into someone. Someone familiar.

"Oh I'm sorry!" You say bending down to pick up the spilt drinks.
"No, don't be love, it's my fault."
You recognize the accent and look up. "N-Niall?" You question and stand up.
"Letizia? Oh my god. Um, hi" her scrambles up.
"Hi" you mumble quietly, looking at your converse shoes.
"Daddy!" Aiden and Addison yell in unison, jumping in his arms. They recognized him immediately. You weren't expecting that.
He chuckles, "how are my two favorite kids?" He gives them each a kiss on the cheek.
Addison giggles, "we missed you daddy" she pouts.
Niall lets out a sigh. "I missed you all too, so much" he glances in your direction.
"Um, well it was nice seeing you Niall but we have to make a move now" you say, just above a whisper.
"Oh um, letizia could I have your number?" Please?" He questions.
You dwell on it for a moment or two, but agree. "Sure" you cracks weak smile.
"Great!" He says taking out his phone before handing it to you.
You input.the digits and hand him his phone back.
"Well it was nice seeing you babe. Uh, can I ask you something?" He scratches the back of this neck nervously.
"I guess so"
"Uhm, can I take you on a date? Maybe after 3 day?"
"I'd love to Niall."  You smile.

Niall Horan Imagines [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now