Part 16

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Liam fell asleep with his head on Theo's chest, and was unaware of the hands running through his hair.

Lydia and Derek were also asleep in the chairs opposite the metal table, and Deaton had gone home for the night.


Liam heard the flatline on the monitor beside Theo first.

Theo's chest was flat, no longer rising. He wasn't breathing. Liam used his werewolf hearing to listen for Theo's heart beat. He couldn't hear anything. Lydia, Derek and Deaton were nowhere to be seen. It was just Liam and Theo's body. Theo's dead body.

Liam refused to believe he was gone. Liam hadn't even gotten the chance to say sorry or goodbye to his dead lover. He couldn't be gone, Theo couldn't be gone.

Liam stood up, his whole body shaking. His fists landed on Theo's chest in hard blows. He didn't care if he broke his wrists. Theo couldn't be gone. Liam hadn't had the chance to tell the chimera how beautiful his eyes were, and he never got the chance to describe how his smile lit up then whole room.

Liam was never into all of the sentimental romantic speeches. He thought the words that came out of people's mouths during them was a load of crap. But Theo had made Liam believe so many more things.

Theo wouldn't wake up, no matter how much Liam tried to get him to. All Liam wanted was to see his chocolate brown eyes again, filled with happiness. The last time he saw them open, they were filled with fear and sadness.

Tears poured down Liam's cheeks, and no one came to ask if he was okay. He felt completely and utterly lonely.

Liam had tried everything to try and get Theo to wake up. He whispered sweet nothings, delivered harsh chest compressions, not scared to break ribs in Theo's body. He ran his hands through the young chimera's hair, gave mouth to mouth. Nothing worked.

He took a blanket from the counter that held all of the medicines underneath it, and used it to cover Theo's body. Theo's dead body. He couldn't bare to see it anymore.

Liam hoped that Theo had found peace, but then something came to his mind. Tara.

Theo had once told Liam, when they were having a very deep and meaningful conversation, that having to face Tara again was Theo's worst nightmare, of course Theo hadn't found peace.

No one deserved to feel this lonely. Liam couldn't take it anymore, and so he did the only thing he could think of doing.

He looked down and cried, he could no longer hold the weight of the world on his shoulders, he was fed up of pretending he was okay.

When he looked up, Theo's body was gone. It was as though it was never there.

Liam screamed.


Theo was awake. He ran his hands through the sleeping beta's hair, even though he felt like absolute trash.

He looked over at Derek and Lydia and smiled. He had missed seeing them.

Liam screamed. He sat up straight and screamed.

"Hey, baby-blue eyes, shhh. It's alright, I'm awake." Theo brought Liam into a tight hug, and tears poured down Liam's cheeks and landed on Theo's shoulders. Theo didn't mind though.

When Liam had screamed, Lydia fell off of her chair and landed on the ground with a hard bump, whereas Derek stood up and his eyes glowed scarlet. Once he realised that no one was dead, he looked down at Lydia and chuckled, offering her his hand. When she was stood up, they both stared at the scene in front of them.

Theo and Liam kissing. No, not kissing. Making out.




also thiam is officially real...


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