Part 55

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As Lydia pushed the front door to the loft open, the pack fell silent. They all looked at the banshee expectingly, but Lydia only away from the door, giving the others a warm smile as she joined them in their crowd.

On the other side of the door, Hope stood between the two werewolves. She bit her lip nervously, whispering, "What if they really don't like me?" 

Liam crouched down in front of her, Derek squeezing her hand for a moment. 

"They'll love you, I promise." Liam said quietly, watching Hope nod. He stood beside her and took her small hand in his again, and they walked through the doorway together, Hope's feet relunctantly shuffling her body with the two males. 

Different reactions coursed through the pack as Lydia gave Hope a thumbs up, a proud smile on her face.

Scott looked confused, as though Hope was a new creature that he had never seen before.

Kira quietly 'awed' at the small figure, her heart warming for the young girl.

Malia's mouth formed an 'o' shape, as she repeatedly looked between Hope and Lydia, realising that they looked so alike. 

Allison giggled at Lydia's smile, because she loved it so much. 

Isaac wore the same expression as Kira, his heart also warming for the girl.

Mason and Corey looked at each other, and then Hope, and then back at each other, wishing to have a child just as cute as her one day.

Stiles stayed upstairs in Derek's room, fast asleep and unaware of the new arrival. 


After everybody stopped gawking at the young girl,  they scrambled to act as normal as possible. A small smile spread across Hope's face as she sensed the awkwardness radiating off of each person. She waved at them all sheepishly and looked around, locking eyes with Scott.

"Hi! I'm Hope!" She said, quietly, still not one hundred percent confident in herself yet.

Scott quickly covered his surprised reaction and nodded, smiling. "Hey, I'm Scott!" 

The other members of the pack built a ring around him, Liam joining them. Derek stayed beside her, though.

Scott pointed at Isaac, who waved and messed around with his scarf. "That's Isaac."

"This is Malia," He said, moving his hand to point at the were-coyote, who spun on the spot, making Hope giggle.

Scott moved his hand again, pointing at Mason and Corey. "These two love-birds are Mason and Corey," Hope nodded, watching Corey kiss Mason on the cheek, resulting in Mason's cheeks heating up."

"That's Kira," The alpha said, his gaze moving to the petite girl in the corner. In a matter of seconds, the kitune ran up to Hope and gave her a long, hard hug, to which Hope eventually melted into, one hand reaching for Kira's back. Kira pulled away and whispered, "Hey princess," Which seemed to make Hope giggle.

Allison smiled at her kindly and waved, not needing Scott to introduce her. "Hey, I'm Allison!" 

Hope waved back, a smile plastered on her face. The pack members smiled in return and dispersed, talking to each other. Derek lead Hope to a group made out of Scott, Malia and Mason, all of whom quickly made space for the girl. The oldest werewolf smiled at Hope and dropped her hand, walking away to find his lover.

The four of them quickly began talking, and Hope could feel herslef getting more comfortable in the new atmosphere. 


45 minutes later...

"So.. Malia, you're a were-coyote. Scott, you're the alpha... Mason, you're human. Then Kira is a fo- I mean, a kitsune. Lydia is a banshee, Liam and Derek are werewolves..." 

The three older supernaturals smiled, clapping at the girl who smiled brightly. "There's Stiles, too!" Mason said, "He's human." Hope nodded, processing all of the information.

Her eyes lit up, waving her hands all of a sudden. "Oh, and Corey's a chimera! Like Theo!" 

"Like Theo?" Scott asked, the rest of the pack members now sitting with them, intruiged and confused by the mention of the chimera's name. 

Hope nodded, a bright smile on her face after hearing her second dad's name.

"Yeah! I met him a few weeks ago!" Hope tried to stay positive as she briefly told them all about the past few weeks with Theo, but her voice cracked and her smile faltered as she spoke her last sentence.

"H-he was t-taken..." 

If the room wasn't full of supernaturals, no one would have heard her words.

The room was so quiet as everyone processed the new information, Hope was sure that, even as a human, she would have been able to hear a pin drop.



y'all, i wont be able to post tomorrow because i'm visiting one of my old friends, so i hope you enjoy this chapter. 

guys.. i have the ending worked out....

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