"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐦!!"

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Tracey's Point of View
4:20pm - After School Track Practice

It's April, meaning for me, Track season. Honestly, I prefer basketball, Track is my side sport and it helps me get better at running since basketball involves a lot of that.

We just ended practice, Amelia and I ran to the basketball courts outside as fast as we could.

I started shooting the ball.


The ball went in.


The ball went in again.


And the ball went in again.

"That's a wrap for today, Trace!" Amelia said.

From time to time, as long as I'm not tired, after Track Practice, I shoot twenty times. Amelia times me for how fast I could do it, and most of the time I make each shot.

Amelia is one of my other best friends. She my sports buddy, we do basketball and track together.

Amelia walks over to me and we do our handshake, then walk into the girl's locker room.

Amelia lies on the floor and sighs,"Practice was tiring today."

"Tell me about it" I said.

My hair was in a high ponytail, I take my scrunchie off and brush my hair out a little. Amelia lifts up her arms and I pull her up from the ground. We grab our things out of our lockers and walk back out into the gym.

Amelia and I seperate ways and I drive home. As usual I'm blasting Why Don't We and singing and dancing along to it because that's how I am and I always do that, tehe.

I arrive home and Christina's not home, she's probably out with Corbyn. My mom greets me as I walk in, she works in the morning and gets home the same time I end practice. I'm walking upstairs on my phone playing music, then I suddenly get a knock at my door.

I groan. I just got home and I just got upstairs and I'm tired from practice.

I get the door and it's Rose. I slap her and then smile.

"I know, I know but sorry not sorry." She says, and lets herself in fast.

I slapped her as soon as I knew it was her because she knows me. It's Track season, meaning I literally do nothing else but sports and grades and from time to time, friends.

She knows I have practice everyday and I take it seriously. Since I have practice everyday, she also knows that I'm extremely tired right after every practice and I like to just take a nap or shower as soon as I get home and she's invading my time for that but it's all good because it's Rose.

"Daniel's having a party at his house tonight and literally everyone who isn't a nobody is gonna be there. We should definitely go." Rose explains.

"Rose you know it's Track season. Plus you probably just wanna go because Jack will be there" I said.

"Stop making excuses, no but's. You're going with me whether you like it or not."


"I just said no but's."


"Girls night after."

"I guess."

"Great! I'm picking your outfit!"

{✔️} Two Worlds: Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now