"𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐒𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐌𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭"

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Zach's Point of View

I'm in front Tracey's house and I have nothing to do today so I was wondering if she wanted to go to a drive-in movie.

I'm about to knock.

I can't do it.

C'mon Zach just do it.


She answered.

She's still so pretty even without trying

I smile.

Then I realize she's waiting for me to say something.

"Oh uh hey! I was bored today so I was wondering- wait is Corbyn here?" I said.

Tracey's Point of View

I turn around and Corbyn's singing again.

You're the only one
The only one
The only one I could love

I turn back at Zach, "Yeah he's here, what were you saying?"

"Well I have some free tickets to this drive-in movie and everyone else is busy today so I wanted to know if you wanna go.." He said.

Zach's Point of View

I lied. My whole family and the whole band is available today but I wanted to spend today with Tracey.

"Sure. Can I invite Corbyn?" Tracey asked.

"Yeah," I say, walking inside.

I quickly text Corbyn

CORBYN! Could u do me a huge favor!! I really like Tracey and I wanted to spend the day with me and her alone please?!

Corbyn stops playing. As Tracey and I are walking towards him, he's looking on his phone. He's gotta be looking at my text.

Besson 💀
Aww 😉 I getcha, i c u 👀 don't worry i gotchu


"Hey Corbs, Zach and I are going to a drive in movie theater, wanna join us?" Tracey asks Corbyn.

"I would but I just got a text from Jack... He got his uh HAIR.. stuck in um the TOASTER" Corbyn said.

Shoot. I forgot, Corbyn's a bad liar.

I'm behind Tracey and I shoot Corbyn a "wtf" look.

Luckily Tracey doesn't notice, "Stupid Jack. Well I'm gonna get ready."

She runs upstairs to change

"Wow real smooth Besson" I said.

"I try, now I'm off. Tell me how it goes" Corbyn says, leaving Tracey's house.

Tracey's Point of View

{✔️} Two Worlds: Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now