"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐞"

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Tracey's Point of View

So yeah it's Prom day.

And here's everything I did since school ended:

Take a nice ass nap.

Blasted Music while singing and dancing to it.

Kicked out Corbyn.

Took a nice ass shower.

Blow dried by hair.

And freaking out.

Which is right now.


I don't know what to do and where to start and I'm still home alone.


So yeah.

I got it.

"Hello? Hii!! Are you busy?? Great!! Here's my address."


I unlocked the door.

Aniya :)

The Perfect Person for this

We were in Christina's room because she had this nice set up with a big mirror and everything.

Aniya started with my hair.

(exact hairstyle but with dark brown hair for Tracey)

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(exact hairstyle but with dark brown hair for Tracey)

But wowie this was amazing! Didn't know she was a hairstylist too!!

Next she did my make up, it was a nice simple makeup because I don't like makeup and I know nothing about it oops.

Then that turned out great too, she's as great as Chrissy.

After that I put on the dress and wow, I haven't looked this good in like years !!

I also wore a bunch of friendship bracelets too to make my wrists stand out. Then a cute necklace that matches it all so my neck doesn't look plain either.

"You. look. Perfect!!" Aniya said.

"All thanks to you!" I said.

We took a bunch of selfies, turns out were closer than I thought.

Also did I mention she's only 3 years older than me? Freshman year of college.

She's like another Christina.

By the time we finished it was 3:45, Perfect. Everything went way better than I expected.

Aniya left and my mom came home. She was stunned by my look and took a bunch of pictures.

Later on Zach arrived with Jack, Rose, Christina, Corbyn, Daniel, and Jonah.

"Finally you bitches showed up" I said, opening the door.

As soon as Zach saw me, his reaction was priceless.

He was wide eyed and frozen and couldn't move.

Everyone went inside and Zach was still frozen.

I kissed him on the cheek, "C'mon bozo, you got all night to stare at me."

I grabbed his hand and dragged him inside.

We decided to take pictures in the backyard.

There was a nice porch with fairy lights for one background and then also a large green bush wall for another background.

Mom eventually saw Zach, "So you're the guy who won my girls heart."

"Yessir" Zach responded.

Mom dragged him away to a corner and they talked and Zach looked so terrified haha.

It was probably the If you hurt her i will talk.

After Christina and I took pictures, it was Rose and I.

Then Zach and I took pictures.

Then Jonah, Daniel, and I.

Then me with Christina and Rose.

Then me with Corbyn and Christina.

And one with me and Corbyn alone.

Corbyn and Christina together.

Daniel and Jonah Together.

Jack and Rose, then I photobombed those.

And then me and all the guys.

And then of course a group picture to end it off.

We all walked out the house to go to dinner and when Rose and I walked out we stared in awe.

The boys rented a Limo.

Seriously, how lucky are we.

"HELL YEAH!!" Rose and I yelled, doing our handshake.

Zach and Jack were watching us and laughed.

Then I realized Jack and Rose got matching corsages.

So did Christina and Corbyn.

Heck, even Daniel and Jonah (as a joke, though they have a really cute bromance going on).

I looked over at Zach and he was empty handed.

We were the only ones without matching corsages..


also i been doing shorter chapters because i feel like y'all got annoyed with hecka long chapters soo

damn i wanna go to prom alr

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