"𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞."

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Tracey's Point of View

I was sitting down at a booth waiting for Zach. I told him what I wanted and so he ordered for me.

He came back with two trays of food.

I was about to eat but my phone buzzed

Rosey Posey 🌹🤞‼️🤩😚💞
wya ??

@ In-N-Out w Zach 🍟🍔

Rosey Posey 🌹🤞‼️🤩😚💞
😏 okayy i won't disturb

I left Rose on read and just kept eating


We finish eating and Zach went to the bathroom

I'm alone at the booth waiting for him on my phone

"Tracey?" A familiar voice from behind said.

I turn around




I seriously wish I could time travel back to that very moment and pretend I didn't hear him but I just had to turn around.

It's my Ex.

Emmett Clinton.

Zach still isn't back.

"Oh um hey Emmett.." I say, in an awkward tone.

"I knew you'd be here" He said.

"What do you want" I said, in a serious tone now.

"What I want is you back" He said.

I blink, then I look back on my phone, ignoring him.

"Look, I'm sorry. What I did was a really shitty move. I never should've done what I did to especially a girl like you" He said, trying to make me look at him.

I finally make eye contact with him and my eyes are watering, "You ruined me Emmett. We've dated for like the longest time and you decide to go and play me?! I trusted you and I loved you. After that all happened I lost myself and I practically gave up on love."

His mouth opened like he was about to say something but someone interrupted him.

"Leave her alone."

I look left to see who it is


"What did you just say?" Emmett said to Zach.

"You heard me" Zach said, he was mad. You could tell by the way he looked and sounded.

"Wow Harris. You're chasing the all mighty Zach Herron. And you think I'd play you again, look at you. You're messing with that guy? He's a damn player for God's sake" Emmett said, looking from me to Zach.

{✔️} Two Worlds: Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now