"𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝."

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Tracey's Point of View

"My parents are gonna pay for everything, all you gotta pay for is things you want, like gifts or souvenirs" Rose said.

Rose and I were on FaceTime. We were also both packing.

"My parents love you so it's good" Rose continued.

"Haha, I love your parents, I so owe them," I showed her a romper on camera,"Should I bring these?"

"Yes!! Those are cute!! Anyways, Jack and I broke up I guess, but we're still friends. The boys are leaving for tour today" Rose said.

"Oh, well at least you guys are still friends. Are you okay though?" I asked.

"Yeah, maybe we are better off ad friends. What about you?" She asked.

"I'm good. The boys and I are all still friends, Zach not really" I said.

"You should at least talk to him" Rose said.

"Rose, you know me" I said.

"I guess" Rose said.

She switched the topic, "I'm so excited for this trip, I'm packing a bunch of new cute clothes and I'm ready for all the IG pics."

I laughed, "Classic Rose, same though."



Rose is over at my house now, we're just chilling.

"Do you wanna go to the airport to see the boys head off?" Rose said.

I thought about it for a minute.

Just avoid Zach.

"Sure.." I said.

I put on a Champion hoodie and shorts and drove over.


We arrived at the airport and decided to get Starbucks, got the usuals of course.

"Rose? Trace?" A voice called from behind.

We turned around and saw Daniel Seavey.

"Daniel !!" We both said and hugged him.

"What are you guys doing here?" He said with a grin.

"We're here to see you guys go off" I smiled.

"Aww, well I'll lead you guys to where everyone else is" Daniel said.

He lead us towards their gate and we saw everyone. Corbyn was calling Christina, Jonah was walking over towards us, then Jack and Zach were goofing off on their phones.

"Wow, haven't seen you crackheads in awhile" I said to everyone.

I wasn't really looking towards Zach though.

They had an hour before their flight so we all chilled. Rose went with Jack and Zach to see what they were up to, then I caught up with Daniel and Jonah.

I was telling them about yesterday's game, "Then I went swoosh, the other girl defending me rolled her eyes at me and I just laughed there."

{✔️} Two Worlds: Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now