"𝟐𝐚𝐦 𝐓𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐳"

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Tracey's Point of View
2am at the Mall

"You gal's are lucky I stayed here" Aniya said.

Aniya was a really pretty girl and had really nice styled braids. Not to mention her fashion was really cute especially at 2am.

You're probably wondering who Aniya is.

Well we went to every store at the mall and they were all closed.

Then we saw her wandering around and wr talked to her.

She mentioned that she worked at Macy's and she could help us.

"I pretty much expected some people to be the mall this late because prom is well tonight for almost every school" She said.

We were all looking around for the perfect dresses for all of us.

Christina shopped earlier this morning already so she's helping me.

Meanwhile, Aniya's helping Rose.

Rose got lazy and forgot to shop for her prom supplies. Well, she was mostly waiting for Zach to ask me then wanted to shop around with me.

Christina and Aniya gave us a bunch dresses to try on so that took awhile.

Christina was playing a bunch of Why Don't We and we were basically having a fashion show.

Rose and I were basically models; Christina and Aniya were basically judging.

"It's Perfect!!!" Aniya and Christina both squealed.

Rose and I did our handshake then both twirled in the dresses.

Rose and I did our handshake then both twirled in the dresses

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^ mine

^ Rose's

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^ Rose's

Rose and I changed out of the dresses and paid.

Rose sat on the couch and fell asleep, I'll get her later.

Christina and I were at the cashier with Aniya.

She even gave us a discount, then handed us the bag of dresses,"You gals have a great time tonight!"

"We so will" Chris said with a grin.

Chris went to the car with Rose to put the dresses away and I stayed to talk to Aniya a bit.

"Hey Aniya?"

She turned to me.

"Could I get your number? You're a really nice person and you have great style. Next time I have an important event, I wanna contact you!" I said with a big smile.

She smiled and wrote her number down on a paper and handed it to me, "You know, I've actually always dreamed of becoming a fashion designer."

"It'll happen, I know it" I responded.

10:45am - The Next Day At School Break

Zach ran up to me from behind and scared me.

"I am exhausted" I told him.


"At 2am, Christina, Rose, and I went prom shopping" I said, slouching.

"Awe. Well, the guys and I are picking up our tux's later on" He said.

"You guy's have it easy" I said.

"Well at least it's a minimum day," He faced towards me which caused us to look eye to eye, "But girl I got big plans tonight."

I smiled at him. He put his arm around me and he walked me to my next class.

This wasn't so bad..


I yawned sitting up from the couch.

As soon as I got home I fell asleep on the couch. This is why I need my beauty sleep, especially on prom day.

Luckily my older sister is the one and only Beautychickee !!

She's an expert, can't name anyone better.

Prom is tonight at 6pm, but we have to get ready before that. Corbyn got dinner reservations for all of us and we still need to take a ton of pictures.

So, we have to be done getting ready by 4pm.

I have time..

Christina was out with her friends for a bit so I'm home alone yet again.

Mom will be home before the time we all leave.


I turned on the TV.

I turned on Spotify.

I scrolled through my Why Don't We playlist and connected it to the TV.

As expected,

I danced and sang like crazy while blasting the music.

"AUHHH YEAHHHH!!" I ended the song with a big finish and I looked to the door to see Corbyn smiling awkward at me.

"AHH WHY DO YOU PEOPLE KEEP BREAKING IN MY HOUSEEEE" I yelled at him and kicked him out.

f u n

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