[Undertale] Blood and Dust - 1

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Papyrus went to find Flowey, the timeline was reaching the end and Flowey had asked him to meet up with him, just like every single Pacifist ending. Sighing he walked up to Flower and greeted him.

"Howdy, Papyrus!" Flowey greeted him back. "Anyway, you know the drill, call everyone to the Barrier and then I fight Frisk and you all get to the surface for a month before RESETing."

He nodded and started walking back to where he came from.

"Hey, Papyrus? Ever thought about messing with the human?" Flowers asked casually.

"Hmm? I Do Not Understand What You Mean, Flowey." Papyrus stopped walking and turned towards him. "It Does Not Sound Very Nice."

"No, no, I mean pranking them! Just some harmless pranks!" Flowey exclaimed, waving his leaves around. "Maybe it'll cheer them up and they'll stop RESETing?"


Flowey smiled sinisterly when Papyrus continued walking towards the Barrier, his cellphone in his hand, already starting to call everyone over.


They were staring at the figure in front of them. It was covered in honey, neon pink glitter and feathers from the top of its head to the bottom of its feet.

"SANS? IS THAT A HUMAN?" Papyrus asked, trying not to laugh at the expression on the humans face. They looked so unimpressed.

"yeah, i think so bro" Sans replied, sounding confused. The timelines were starting to differ from one another. Someone had been pranking the kid in practically every timeline, and while funny, it meant that someone could remember the timelines like him, since every time the prank was different. He didn't know how it was possible but he really needed to find out who it was.


He stared in shock at the small, blood covered form of Frisk. Blood was sluggishly falling from their head and their skin was turning purple from the cold. Sans lifted the human up bridal style and took a shortcut to his house, grabbing a bunch of healing food and trying to get them to eat it.

"who or what did this to you, kiddo?" Sans mumbled as he felt Frisk's breath start to slow before it stopped completely and the world around them reLOADed.


Meanwhile with Papyrus

Papyrus looked at his STATS and frowned when he saw his LV glitching from 1 to 2 and back again until it settled on 1.

"I didn't think you had it in you, Pa-py-rus~" Flowey purred as he appeared in front of him.

"What Are You Talking About, Flowey?" Papyrus asked, the feeling of dread weighing on his bones

"You killed them. You killed Frisk." Flowey maniacally laughed.

"No, I Didn't! I Would Remember Something Like That!" Papyrus denied.

"Oh yeah? Well, that last 'prank' made them stuck in a tree outside in the cold and they fell off, hitting their head. Sans found them and tried to heal them but failed, like he always does," Flowey mutter the last part before continuing strongly, "and they died of blood loss and hypothermia."

"O-Oh..." Papyrus whispered.

"We Can't Let Something Like That Happen Again!" he exclaimed a few seconds later.

"What! Why not?"

"These Pranks Were Supposed To Be Fun! The Human Getting Hurt Isn't Fun!"

"Isn't it?"

"What?" Papyrus blinked in shock at the flower.

"I said, 'Isn't it?'. I think it's fun. And you obviously think so too." Flowey smirked.


"Admit it. Don't lie to yourself. You liked the feeling, no matter how brief, of your LV going up. You don't need to worry though. After all, because of their ability, they'll just come back." Flowey told him, before continuing upon not seeing him respond, "It would be revenge, they killed you so many times, it would only be fair to respond in kind, wouldn't it?"

Papyrus didn't answer and walked out the door to start up the routine.


Red liquid was running down the humans face, blood dripping on their clothes and staining their sweater. Frisk stared at Papyrus, who was standing a little behind Sans, but he just looked back to them, not bothering to hide the smirk that appeared on his face.

Over the past few RESET's Papyrus had started deviating from the script whenever he was alone with the human. The pranks had become traps ever since the first time the human accidentally died from one of them. They became deadlier and deadlier, more and more painful. Frisk had grown slightly afraid of him as he acted more and more creepy and bloodthirsty in their battles. They started feeling like he was letting them win, dusting with a smirk on his face.

Sans frowned when he saw fear in the human's eyes, open because of the Genocide Run, wanting to see how everyone dusted because of them, when his brother and approached.

"jeez kid, what happened to you?" Sans asked, moving forward to heal them. They shuffled back quickly, looking at something behind him. He looked behind him, but he could only see his brother. "hey, kiddo, i'm not gonna hurt ya," Sans told them, moving slowly and letting his hands glow green with Kindness Magic, green magic.

They didn't answer but allowed Sans to heal them. When Sans asked them who hurt them, Frisk shook their head, refusing to reply to his question.

Meanwhile, Flowey gulped at the dust piles in front of him. Frisk hadn't killed these, a certain skeleton had. He was starting to regret telling Papyrus to get revenge, he truly hadn't expected the seemingly innocent skeleton to be able to do something like that. Flowey had watched the skeleton practically tear the Monsters apart, slowly and painfully, not allowing their HP to drop more than a couple of digits at a time.

This was getting out of hand, he had to tell someone. He had to stop Papyrus. Because when a Monster kills another Monster, while the RESET brings the Monster back the LV doesn't get RESET too, unlike Frisk, whose LV returns to 1 after a RESET. The only person who wouldn't give him LV when killed is Frisk because they always come back.

Sans was totally oblivious to his brother's change in attitude, even Undyne had realised that something was wrong with Papyrus.

Sans! That's who he should tell!

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