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[WARNING: drug addiction, self destructive actions, and.... angst~]

Ducking inside a closet, Ink quickly grabbed a yellow and green vial, which with shaking hands, he pulled the cork of off and downed. Letting out a sigh of relief afterwards, Ink went to put the vials back in their place on his bandolier, when he heard a throat being cleared in front of him.

Looking up, yellow filled his vision as Dream stared down at him from the doorway. Sockets narrowed and mouth pursed, he strode forward and roughly pulled him up. Ink hadn't noticed that in his rush to drink his vials, he had let himself fall to the floor.

"Oh. Heya, Dreamboat." Ink nervously said, his eyelights darting around to find an escape from his friend. Nothing would be able to safe him from Dream's anger though and his hands itched to grab his purple vial. He refrained from doing so however, knowing that Dream wouldn't take well to that.

"Don't 'heya' me, Ink." Dream glared at him. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Nothing...?" Ink tried, however he knew that his friend had seen everything and wouldn't be able to be fooled, especially since Ink could hear his voice tremble a little as he spoke.

Dream sighed and let him go, causing Ink to crumble to the floor. Quickly standing up, Ink looked as Dream pinched the space between his sockets. He looked so... disappointed.

"Ink... You know you don't have to take these anymore... right? You have a SOUL now."


"Of course you know," Dream sounded defeated.

"C'mon, Dreamboat, I'm fine! See!" Ink protested, swirling in a circle.

"YOU ARE NOT FINE!" Dream yelled, tears starting to appear in his sockets. "THOSE THINGS ARE ERODING YOUR SOUL!"

Ink winced, taking a step back and bumping against a shelf, causing some buckets and cleaning supplies to tumble to the ground.


"Why are you doing this to yourself! All that trouble to get you a SOUL, ALL THAT JUST SO I CAN WATCH YOU SLOWLY KILL YOURSELF!?"

"Hey, no, I don't want to-" Ink protested, but was promptly interrupted.


Ink looked away from Dream and hugged himself, hiding his trembling hands from view. It wasn't as simple as Dream had been making it out to be, just... stopping something he had taken for eons. The vials had been what let him feel... but also what kept his SOUL from re-growing. The only reason he had been able to grow his SOUL back, was because for a period of time the paints had stop falling and he had to settle with what he had left at the time. Those ran out fast, causing him to remain in a blank state for a month while Dream and Blue had been running around trying to find a way to get him some paints.

The colors soon fell once more in the Doodlesphere, it seems like the Creators had just coincidentally had taken a break all at once. Returning with the paints, Dream and Blue had been met with an impossible sight. Ink, walking around and doing things. Feeling things.

"Why..." the tears finally fell down from Dream's sockets, but he tried to keep his expression even. It...wasn't working. "Please don't..."

Ink stepped forwards and hugged Dream as he cried, which led to Dream being able to feel as Ink's body shivered and shook. With a frown, Dream pulled away and grabbed Ink's hands, seeing them trembling.

"We need to find a way to get you off of them entirely, Ink. We NEED to." Dream said, trying to get Ink to engrave it in his mind. Seeing that Ink was still resistant, for whatever reason he had, Dream's sockets narrowed and he pulled away entirely from Ink.

Walking away and out the door, he stopped for a moment and looked back at Ink.

"When you had just gotten a SOUL and Blue and I returned with your paints, you told me you loved me. That you were now even more sure than before, since you now knew that these feelings were real."

Ink gulped. He had said that and he still meant it. He loved Dream. However, Dream had gently rejected him back then, saying that he wanted Ink to first get used to having a SOUL and that maybe they could be together after some time had passed and the SOUL had settled entirely.

"If you were honest back then... Then you will stop. Because I refuse to be together with... with a drug addict, that doesn't even want to change. You are slowly destroying yourself and it is already painful seeing it as your friend. I wouldn't be able to see it happen as your lover." With that said, Dream left his view, leaving Ink alone in the closet.

Ink wasn't able to hold himself up anymore, his emotions running wild inside of him with no way out, so he let himself fall down to the floor, hugging his legs to his chest and burying his face in his knees. Some ink started to drip from his mouth and he lunged towards a bucket next to him, but he wasn't fast enough and he threw up on the floor and himself.

Hands starting to tremble again, Ink slowly lowered them towards his vials. He hesitated, remembering Dream's words, but...

Grabbing some dark blue, he tipped it into his mouth.

He was alone anyway.

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