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i dOn't kNoW WhAt yOu eXpEcTeD BuDdY, bUt yOu sUrE ArE NoT GeTtInG WhErEvEr yOu wAnTeD. tHiS Is yOuR OnE AnD OnLy cHaNcE To dO SoMe gOoD So dOn't wAsTe iT. iNk. I DoN'T WaNt tO SaY I ToLd yOu sO BuT I ToLd yOu sO! yOu rEaLlY ThOuGhT ThAt a sImPlE 'i'm sOrRy' WoUlD GeT YoU BaCk iNtO AnY OnE Of tHeIr gOoD GrAcEs?

it worked for you didn't it?

yEaH, bUt i kNoW HoW YoU CaN Be. WiThIn a lItTlE TiMe yOu mIgHt nOt eVeN ReMeMbEr tHaT AnYtHiNg hApPeNeD If yOu dOn't wRiTe iT DoWn oN YoUr sCaRf. AnD EvEn tHeN YoU WiLl oNlY KnOw wHaT HaPpEnEd, NoT AnYtHiNg yOu mIgHt hAvE ThOuGhT If yOu dOn't wRiTe iT DoWn. HaVe yOu fOuNd a wAy tO GeT A SoUl yEt?

i might have found a lead. it gets pretty tiring to have Fate not allow me to take a break. and they force you to destroy more too. why did you have to kidnap Blueberry? if you hadn't done that, you wouldn't have been outed. now i have to fight you everytime we see each other whenever someone's nearby, just so that nobody says anything about me not doing my job as the protecter.

i hAd a bReAkDoWn aNd nEeDeD SoMeOnE ThErE. yOu kNoW I CaN'T OpEn a pOrTaL To tHe dOoDlEsPhErE, sO I CoUlDn't gEt tO YoU. wE ShOuLd fInD A WaY To cOnTaCt eAcH OtHeR WiThOuT ToO MuCh dEsTrU- hEy! WhY ArE YoU LaUgHiNg?

'without too much destruction'? hahah, oh Creator that's so funny for you to say as the Destroyer. anyway, i agree with you. we should find a way to contact each other. maybe you could try to make a cellphone that works out of an AU? that's your area. until then, i'll give you an inkpot to dump on the ground if you wanna talk. i'll renew it everytime i come over. you could give me one of your strings.

uRgH, fInE! i gUeSs i cOuLd gIvE YoU OnE Of mY StRiNgS. yOu kNoW ThE DrIlL

his name is Phil.

rEaLlY, iNk? AnYwAy, YoU KnOw hOw tHeY WoRk. YoU TiE It sOmEwHeRe aNd tHeN TuG On iT. wRiTe iT DoWn, YoU IdIoT. yOu'lL FoRgEt iT OtHeRwIsE!

yeah, yeah, i know i already wrote it down sometimes ago.

dOn't bE So bLaSe aBoUt iT! hErE.

ohh, it's rainbow coloured! thank you! byebye!

YeAh wHaTeVeR. i'm gOiNg tO WaTcH SoMe mOrE UnDeRnOvElA. cOnTaCt mE WhEn yOu hAvE A PlAn. IdIoT.

hahaha! sure!



i wrote this sometime ago and have no idea where it came from or what plot there is. i wrote it while playing with fonts on illustrator for school and copy/pasted it here. i edited some of it too... the title is literally a bunch of letters thrown together, but somehow 'ink' appeared in them and i decided to just let it be. *shrugs*

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