[Undertale] Blood and Dust - 3

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A couple of RESET's had passed and all of Papyrus' STATs had increased because of his higher LV. His emotions had noticeably began to dull and Undyne had become worried about his weird behavior. Sans, on the otherhand, had started to get more active, seemingly having beat his depression into a tiny box and thrown away the key. He helped with the dishes, cleaned his room, cooked something and even moved his sock! Sans has daily been telling Papyrus how much he cared about him, that no matter what, he would always love him and that nothing would be able to change that, no matter what.

Papyrus has never felt so loved.

The human on the otherhand has ben getting more and more paranoid, Monsters were going missing, dust was appearing that they hadn't spilled and they were dying faster and faster the moment they met up with Papyrus, something they were unable to avoid no matter what they try. Chara seemed to know what was happening but they refused to tell them. Thy stopped trying to take over and left everything up to Frisk, something that confused them greatly, though it was a welcome change.

Before they could get lost in their thoughts once more, Papyrus appeared in front of them. The last couple of RESET's, they had opted for exploring the Neutral Routes once more, since Papyrus seemed to go slightly easier on them when they don't do the Genocide ones.


"Heh, bring it on." Frisk smirked. They preferred not to talk but that didn't mean they couldn't, and the really liked to talk during a FIGHT, taunting these monsters into revealing their true self. Unfortunately, Papyrus seemed to be the only one this really worked on.

Papyrus immediately send multiple bone attacks their way, forcing Frisk to dodge to the best of their ability. They frowned.

Papyrus' attack pattern was different.

Frisk thought that that was unchangeable! Sans had not even once changed up the pattern when he had been fighting against them.

With difficulty, they dodged bones and Blasters. The only real advantage they had was their RESET, LOAD and SAVE abilities, which were really unbelievable right now since they couldn't RESET unless they died and they couldn't reLOAD because their previous SAVE was right before the battle, which meant that they couldn't do anything to avoid it.

Frisk decided to RESET the moment it became obvious that they couldn't win. They let a bone impale them and closed their eyes waiting for the next one, the one that would finish the job.

* But nobody came

Frisk opened their eyes and looked up to Papyrus in confusion. Why didn't he just kill them?

"Did You Really Think I Was Going Yo Kill You? Human, If I Did That, You Would Just RESET." Papyrus grinned maliciously at them. Sans appeared behind him, and watched Papyrus' plan.

"papyrus, what is the plan again?" He asked quietly.

"I'm Going To Force A RESET, And Take Away The Humans Ability To Do So At The Same Time."

"yeah, i got that part. what i didn't get is how."

"By Having More DETERMINATION Than Them Of Course!" Papyrus grinned, before strolling towards to the human.

Frisk, meanwhile, tried to free themselves and started to panic when their efforts didn't seem to pay off. They shook their head, terror on their face as the watched Papyrus get closer to them.

Papyrus summoned a Gaster Blaster and pointed it at them, and as it charged, right before he Blasted them, he threatened them: "THIS WILL BE THE LAST RESET! MAKE IT A PACIFIST ONE. UNDERSTOOD?"

The moment the human nodded, he Blasted them, he turned to smile reassuringly at Sans.

As the human died, their SOUL rose from their body and started to float a few inches above their body. Papyrus could vaguely see a black, yellow lined, box with the word RESET on it. He pressed it before the human could, and willed DT into it. Surprisingly, he didn't need to use too much of it, and he managed to RESET the world.

Within a few moments, the woke up back in their rooms, and Sans walked to Papyrus' room and climbed into his bed. Papyrus tugged him onto his chest and hugged him close as they fell asleep


Sans woke up and curled up against Papyrus' side. He didn't want to get up yet.

"C'mon, Brother, We Have To Get Up." Papyrus told him as he slowly woke up. Sans sighed and got up.

"we have to meet up with frisk now, don't we?"

"Yes Brother." Papyrus nodded and went to his closet to put on his 'Battle Body'. "This Will Be The Last RESET. I Promise You."

Sans nodded and went to put his own clothes on, ready to go through the script one last time.


Frisk went ahead and did as told, having a Pacifist Run. As all of them were looking over the sunset, Papyrus and Sans had come prepared. All of their important thing were safe in their inventory, and they took care not to leave anything behind that would allow anyone to find them.

As everyone started to go down the mountain, the two skeletons sneaked away, walking to the opposite direction from where the others where going. They remembered an abandoned house there, and they could stay there, away from the others, while they gathered enough money to move farther away and get a house of their own.

Their relationship would remain ambiguous, they could never really understand they were just close as brothers or... closer than brothers.


A lone figure could be seen through the trees, walking on the edge of the woods, closer to the cement of the city than the green of the forest. A blue light appeared for a second before it disappeared once more.

A short figure seemed to nod towards the lone human one and the tall one summoned a sharp whip made out of bones. The tall one hit quickly, the whip wrapping around the humans neck and strangling it, the sharp bones piercing through the flesh easily. Within a few moments it was over, the struggling of the human ceased and a tune only heard by the tall one sounded, signaling that his LV increased.

The tall one seemed to hug the short one before they started to walk off. When they were behind a tree, they disappeared and only occasionally were they seen, always close to murders.

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