They Find Out

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That's what he was.

Not that any of the others knew, afterall all of them absolutely hated Floweys. All of them declaring their hate of SOULless beings constantly when the topic is brought up. Ink didn't want to wager his existence on any of them being any kind of okay with him if they knew.

Ink could logically understand that that had more to do with Floweys habit of dusting Monsters and RESETing constantly, and that therefore they had started to hate SOULless beings, but that didn't make anything any better. Ink wasn't eager to find out what they would think of him when they found out. They wouldn't always be placated by saying that he had found a way for him to shield his SOUL from being pulled out and therefore reacting to Magic.

His Vials were also becoming more and more suspicious to the others. Luckily Dream already knew, afterall, Dream had been the one to find him wandering the Multiverse, and taught him all he knew about emotions. He hadn't told Blue, but he probably already knew from Error when he was captured by him. Blue met him after the kidnapping, and from the way he had been cautious around him at the start, it was pretty obvious he knew.

The Council would probably start to avoid him, or maybe even try to take over? It was very difficult to predict their behaviour. If Classic took lead, than there would be no problems but if anyone else did... he couldn't imagine any other peaceful ones speaking up. And Blue was still in his AU, while Dream had finally listened to him about taking a vacation.

Ink went for his Pastel Yellow, Contend, and quickly uncorked it. He downed a mouthful, but just as he swallowed the liquid, Stretch opened the door and saw him. Sanses from all kinds of AU's were peering inside and frowning at him.

"Ink? Why are you drinking your paints? Aren't they attacks?" Stretch frowned at him.

Ink panicked and blurted out the first thing that came to his mind. "I wanted to know how they tasted!"

Really, Ink? That was the best you could come up with?

Stretch looked disgusted and said: "It tastes like paint, Ink. Did the paint fumes get to you or something?"

"I, heh, I..." Ink shrugged, smiling sheepishly at them, "I got nothing. I guess maybe?"

Stretch rolled his eyelights and strolled into the room, immediately taking a seat on the opposite end of the table as far from where Ink was usually seated. Slowly the others trickled into the room, taking their places. Meetings took place once a month, to make sure that the AU's were running the way the should.

As the Meeting progressed, it was obvious to everyone that nothing unusual was happening. Ink smiled, "I'm glad everything is okay! Dream will be happy to hear that nothing bad happened! I guess that this is the end of the Meeting of this month!"

Everyone nodded and slowly started to gather their things. Most of those things were small pillows, or a notebook and pen in the case of the Sci and the Fell AU's, which were most of the time ordered to gather info for any possible threats.

Ink got up and went to walk to the door when he heard a bunch of gasps. Frowning, he turned around and was met with the sight of all the Monsters looking fearfully at him. He looked around and noticed that Stretch had his hands out of his pockets and was trying to use Blue Magic on him. Ink froze, before trying to save the situation.

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