Blocks The Way

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It was quiet in the Ruins.

Nothing moved. A pile of dust was smeared in front of the entrance of the Ruins, like someone had rolled in it.


It was quiet in Snowdin.

Dust was entwined with the snow falling from above.


It was quiet in Waterfall.

Even the water seemed noiseless in the deafening silence.


It was quiet in Hotland.


However, it wasn’t quiet in Alphys’ lab.

A ghost was trying to get their cousin to move, but being incorporeal made it rather challenging to shake their metallic shell. They knew that they were some of the few that were still alive. The others were Gerard, Burgerpants, their cousin, the King, and themself. Alphys had… given up after Undyne’s dusting… melting They hadn’t seen Sans anywhere, and were rather worried. They had seen Papyrus’ fate to the human- no, demon, and were scared that their skeleton acquaintance had gone after the human himself.

They had felt that something was wrong for a while now, they had seen the human loads of times, and each time the human seemed to act like they had never seen them. They played along but each time something different seemed to happen. Other Monsters seemed to play along too but when the ghost tried asking about it, the Monsters genuinely seemed no to understand what they were talking about, so the ghost stopped asking and tried to keep an eye out for anything abnormal.

Today it happened.

The human dusted every single Monster they came across, sometimes they even seemed to hunt for them. The ghost still didn’t know how certain Monsters escaped, though most of those that survived were shopkeepers or just selling things. The human luckily wasn’t able to find where most had managed to evacuate to. Their cousin had tried to win some time for more to escape, and honestly they were glad that Ghost Monsters couldn’t die. Well, those without a vessel at least. Those like their cousins, who had chosen bodies, could die but only if the vessel was beyond repair. Something the human luckily didn’t know, so despite Mad Dummy’s and Training Dummy’s death, Mettaton had survived. Barely. But he wouldn’t die.

At some point during the Fight’s, they noticed that the human was able to come back after they died, and it appeared like time wound back to before their death. At some point, they even appeared to be back in the Ruins, despite having been in Alphys’ Lab in Hotland. The ghost had been very confused at that, but after some time they realised that the demon’s Determination was helping them manipulate time like it was a game. They understood why the human was dusting everyone over and over, again and again. They thought this was a game. Did they even realise that this was real life? That this were actual living beings they were essentially torturing? The human died within seconds every time someone got them to ‘LOAD’ or ‘RESET’, as they started calling it after that revelation. The ghost knew what it had to do now. They had to make the human realise that this was not a game, that this was real life. They knew what this meant. They would need to do the unspeakable, but for the sake of everyone around them, they would do it.

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