[Undertale] Papyrus' Mother

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Everyone had gathered in Toriel's house for Frisk's birthday party, Toriel had even made an exception for Asgore to attend since normally she wouldn't allow him into her house.

They had cut the cake and were just making small talk, Frisk wandering around and commenting on conversations that their guests were having.

They looked around and stared a little at the skeleton brothers. They were standing with Grillby, Asgore, Undyne and Alphys. Toriel had gone into the kitchen to bring out more pie. Their eyebrows furrowed as they took in the rather large height difference between them. It was something that they had noticed ever since they met the two skeletons but never commented on in fear of being rude.

But it was their birthday today, so they were sure it would be okay to ask. They moved over to the skeletons and stared at Sans until he turned his attention towards them.

After a few moments Sans noticed them trying to get his attention and looked slightly down at them. "what's up buddy?"

They asked him why he was so much shorter than Papyrus.

"huh? oh, it's because his father was tall. he was a little taller than papyrus is now." Sans answered them easily.

They frowned at him and asked him why he said 'his' father and not 'our' father. Sweat starts to appear on Sans skull as he's speechless for a moment.

By this point, everyone had turned towards them, wanting to hear his answer. Papyrus turns towards the shorter skeleton and asks, "INDEED, BROTHER! ANYTIME I ASKED ABOUT FATHER, YOU NEVER SAID 'OUR'! NEITHER HAVE YOU EVER MENTIONED OUR MOTHER."

Asgore looks confused at the taller skeleton. He starts to say, "Papyrus, are you not aware that Sans is-" but Sans quickly interrupts.

"asgore, papyrus is aware that he's my b.r.o.t.h.e.r."

Sans falters for a moment at everyone's stare, and Grillby places a hand on his shoulder, shaking his head slightly.

Asgore sternly looks at Sans and continues with his sentence, "mother. Sans is your Mother, Papyrus."

Undyne and Alphys let out gasps, not having seen that coming.

"What?" Papyrus gapes at Asgore, before turning around to face Sans once more. His tone is noticeably lower, no longer as loud as before. "Sans, Is This True?"

Sans' eyelights tried to find somewhere else to look, instead of Papyrus, but it was hard since he had lowered himself slightly to be on the same level as the older skeleton.

Not finding anyway to avoid talking about it, Sans let out a sigh and nodded, "yes papyrus, it's true."

"So, You're My Mother?" Papyrus repeated, in slight disbelief, wanting to make sure.

"i'm your mom," Sans clarified, leaving no room for misunderstanding, "i gave birth ta ya and everything. not as painful for skeletons as it is for other monsters and humans."

"Why Did You Never Tell Me?" Papyrus asked, sounding slightly lost.

Sans sighed and answered, "i... your father's name is w.d. gaster, he had been the royal scientist before alphys. i used to work as his assistant. one day, he tried an experiment and it went wrong, that caused 'im to fall into the core. you had been 1 year old and i tried to keep ya safe while trying to find your father."

Sans looked away for a moment before looking back to Papyrus and continuing, "when ya were 3 year old, someone mentioned that i didn't look old enough to be a mother and that i must be your brother, and you started to call me brother. i... don't know why i decided not to correct you, we moved to snowdin within the week, and only asgore, grillby and i knew that you are my son and not my brother. grillby knows because we had already been friends and asgore knows as wingding's boss and friend."

"I Must Admit, Sa-- Mom, That While I Am Slightly Peeved At Being Japed Like This I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL NOT ALLOW ANYTHING TO BRING SOMEONE AS GREAT AS ME DOWN! Though Now, As Punishment, You Will Finally Pick Up Your Sock!" Papyrus declared, his tone returning to its usual strength.

"are you sure, paps? it would sock for you to change your mind about this." Sans grinned

"MOM! NO PUNS!" Papyrus groaned.

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