Ink heals Dream

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Fighting with Nightmare and his Gang always ended up with someone injured. That someone was most of the time one of the Star Sanses, as they had named themselves in a fit of boredom. Ink got the most hurt, cheerfully taking hits meant for Blue or Dream, and justifying it by saying that he healed much faster. Which was true but that didn't mean that it doesn't hurt! Right?

Despite his energetic behaviour, Blue was still a Sans, and thus had very low HP. 5 HP. Dream however, due to being a Dryad, and thus technically not a Sans, has a lot more HP even if you ignore that he technically embodies Hope. Ink doesn't have a SOUL and therefore decided that he should get hit the most since he doesn't feel all the pain one would normally feel.

Dream gets hit the least. Actually he almost never gets hit, since if he gets hit Nightmare gets injured too, same the other way around. It's why both sides tend to try not to fight the Dryad Twins, after all it wouldn't really benefit any side to hit them.

Healing was also troublesome. Ink regenerated within seconds if the injury is small and he could paint over his bigger ones. He could paint Blue back to heal too. Dream, however, he couldn't help that way. According to how many apples they ate, they had an easier time absorbing their element. Nightmare had eaten almost all the apples, and didn't even really need to be in a suffering AU to get a power boost. He could drop in an AU under his control and immediately start to heal.

Dream couldn't do that. He had eaten only one apple and while that meant that he did get a power boost, even standing in the most positive AU he could think of, he would heal very slow. It was why Ink had tried to find a different way to heal Dream faster. Which lead to their current predicament.


Dream let himself drop on the couch of Ink's house in the Doodle Sphere, and watched Ink rummage through his vials in the kitchen. He had started keeping them there since he would occasionally put a few drops into his food. Dream started to inspect his injuries.  Luckily, they were all quite shallow, though 2 ribs had broken off from his left side, which caused him a fair amount of pain.

"Hey, Dreamboat? Which of my paints count as positive emotions?" Ink asked Dream, raising his voice slightly to be heard from the kitchen. Dream decided to see what Ink was doing before going to heal himself. Healing himself could wait, it wasn't like he was about to dust, and he preferred to be able to immediately help Ink if he did something that would blow up in his face... Literally.

"Yellow. Regular Green. Pink... thought not Neon please! No need for you to go Yandere. Hmm... Glowing too... though I have no idea how you manage to make that one..." Dream answered, trying to remember the meanings of all of Ink's paints. "Why? And what are you doing?"

"You'll see!"

"Fine..." Dream mumbled, starting to inspect the art on the walls. It changed every time he was there, and it was always interesting to see what had changed. He occasionally glanced over at Ink to see if everything was still going fine there.

Meanwhile, Ink had dragged a stool over to where he was standing and climbed on top of it to reach the bigger glasses. He rarely used them, so they were at the very back of the shelf. He could just paint them to have them, but the he would eventually fill up on stuff, and he wasn't about to deliberately destroy any of them... So, he just took the longer route to get some big glasses.

Grabbing one, he hopped off of the stool and started pour the before mentioned paints in the glass. Neon Yellow (Elation), Regular Green (Empathy), and Regular Pink (Love). He stared a bit at the mixture, and decided that since this was an experiment, he would try it first without Hot Pink (Lust). It might not work, not to mention that his instincts told him that adding that without permission would be like rape and that was super duper bad, so he decided against it. For now. He added some magic, causing the 'glowing' effect.

Ink carefully grabbed the glass and walked back to the living room. Dream raised a browbone at the colours he could see, why had Ink grabbed that? They had already figured out that Ink's paints were actual paints if anyone other than him drank them.

"Do you trust me?" Ink asked him.

Dream glance between Ink and the glass before sighing and nodding, "Yeah, I trust you."

Ink grinned at him before drinking everything in the glass. He took a deep breath, and then grabbed Dream's face.

"I-Inky? What are y-you doing?" Dream asked, eyelights narrowing in surprise.

Ink shushed him before going for it, clanking his mouth to Dream's. His tongue had already appeared and he pushed it against Dream's teeth, asking permission. Dream hesitantly opened his mouth, before gaining more confidence and taking control. He pulled Ink closer to him, manhandling him so he was laying on the couch with Dream leaning over his, continuing to make out.

Ink remembered what he had wanted to do and let all the emotions currently running through his body flow to Dream, letting them be absorbed by him. Dream immediately felt the boost and understanding what Ink meant to do, directed the magic gained to flow to his injuries, which caused them to heal fully.

Having been emptied of emotions, all the colours on Ink started disappearing. Dream saw that and gently pulled away from him. His eyelights sought out Ink's and when he saw the blank eyelights, he grabbed the first vial he found, which was Pastel Yellow (Contentedness) and put it to Ink's mouth. Feeling the magic in the paint, Ink immediately drank it, which returned his colours.

"Guess you'll have to figure out how much to take so I don't end up running empty again..." Ink laughed.

Dream rolled his eyelights and in a single move reversed their places, placing Ink on top of him leaning against his ribs.

"Hey... So... Does this mean we're Mates now...?" Ink asked, unable to hesitate since he only had contentedness in his right now.

Dream smiled happily at him. "Yeah, little garden, if you want then yes," he replied.

"Great," Ink mumbled into his shirt, starting to fall asleep, "cuz' otherwise I swear I would down the Neon Pink and Yandere on everyone's ass."

"Sure, flower, sure."

The Color meanings are from askbittyerror on Tumblr!

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